"Shut the f*ck up!" I threw the last of the gas on her. She gagged after some fell down her throat.

"Of course I know it wasn't for me! The feeling of having a family with you died a looong time ago".

"Michael please. I love you". I dropped the jug on her face. It bounced off. I saw pain on her face but it still didn't shook me.

"Your truly f*cked up". I took the weed I rolled up, from my pocket, with a lighter. I stuck it in my mouth before I caged it with my hands and lit it. I used to do this when I was a delinquent. I hadn't done it in years. But somehow I still remembered how to built it.

"Your gonna be sorry you were ever apart of my life". I told her then pulled at the weed really hard.

I deeply inhaled it. It almost choked me but I still remembered how to do my thing.

I Meditated it, kept it in my lungs for a few seconds.

I put it between my middle and index finger and pulled it from my mouth then exhaled, while I looked down on her maliciously.

"S-She didn't deserve you Michael. I was there before her. We had a history".

I pulled on the weed again.

"Tsk tsk tsk". I slowly shook my head. I sighed.

"I was gonna shoot you dead, but my father took my gun. But this...". I held my hands up and looked at the place wet with gas.

"This is a better plan and I'm gonna enjoy it". I laughed.

"Some of the history we've had was in this same house. The house I bought with my money! The same house you'd stressed me out in! The same house I dumped you in! and the same house you killed me wife in!". I put the weed at the edge of my mouth.

"It's the same house your gonna die in too. And it's gonna be really painful".

"Noooo... Michael I beg you".

"You wanna know something? After I found out that you cheated, it didn't hurt much. You wanna know the main reason why? Because I knew somehow that I'd found my true love. The one you killed!"

I took my phone from off the floor and called dad.

"Is everything ok up there?"

"Yup. Just make sure you get everyone to leave". I didn't want them to see this. Especially Amelia. She was so f*cking emotional.

"Michael you don't sound-".

"Just do as I say. I'm not gonna commit suicide...". I looked at Stacy.

"But murder, positive".

"Michael I know how difficult this is for you, but I believed she'll suffer more in prison". I laughed.

"Dad what were you thinking when you killed Raymond Sinclair?" I pulled at the weed again.

The line went silent.



"No your going-". I hung up. No more crap. I took up the other jugs. Put the weed in my mouth.

"I'm sorry Michael". Yeah yeah.

"For what? What is done is done".

"I know that... I was a pain in the ass-".

"Shut up! I don't wanna hear anything from you! Don't you get it!" I walked over her and lifted my foot. I stepped hard on the wound on her arm once again. I was so angry and her screaming made it worst, but at the same time I liked it.

I'm Still Here: Sequel For 'Step Daddy No'Where stories live. Discover now