Chapter 1

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Megatron felt a tug at his spark and his neutral expression turned into a frown. This was beginning to annoy him now. The sensation had been occurring ever since the Unicron incident. At first, the warlord had merely shrugged off the feeling as aftershocks from the sudden surge of dark energon, but the 'rising darkness' happened over two human months ago. So what was the dark energon in his spark trying to tell him?

"Soundwave," Megatron called and the Communications Officer turned to face his master. "Oversee the ship's operations. There is something I must attend to." The warlord informed as he walked off, already knowing that his most loyal follower would obey without a word, as he always had.

It did not take long for Megatron to reach the flight deck, where he transformed and took to the skies, letting the dark energon in his spark guide him to this mysterious presence.


The Decepticon warlord flew for hours, following the nuisance of a tug in his spark. At one point, it 'told' him to go down, and when he did he found himself in what the humans referred to as a 'desert'. While it was currently late at night, the light of the moon shone upon the barren land and revealed a small human town. Why was the dark energon leading him here?

His interest peeked, Megatron flew over the grouping of settlements, scouting it for anything or anyone recognizable. Yet, the tug in his spark was now becoming more persistent and drew him towards a specific human house. Frustrated with the bothersome urge, he transformed and landed on the outskirts of the town, careful to be as silent as was possible with his large build.

The warlord walked quietly through the humans' streets, being mindful to not set off any of the primitive modes of transport that lined its sides. He turned around a corner of a two-story house before swiftly withdrawing and hiding behind it. He then slowly moved his helm around the corner until his optics were able to catch sight of a familiar yellow and black car, or rather, an Autobot scout.

Megatron narrowed his crimson optics. The little scout was very close to the dark energon presence, yet, he was making no move to investigate it. The warlord did not see any of the other Autobots in his quick scanning of the immediate area, or at least not any out in the open, so it was likely that the scout was alone as well. And given the number of human civilians in the area, it would be foolish to assume that the Autobots had set a trap for him. Thus, the question of the scout's purpose here floated in the silver mech's processor.

Yet despite the unknown factors, the warlord had flown all this distance, and with his goal so near, he would not let some Autobot youngling stand in the way.


Today had been great for Bumblebee. It was a Saturday, which meant that his best friend, Raf, had no school and had already finished his homework. Plus, there had been little Decepticon activity. All of this lead to a day where the two young friends had the entire morning and noon to themselves. When the memories of the day resurfaced in his processor, Bumblebee smiled. Or at least, he would have had he not been in his alt. mode, guarding Rafael.

The young scout tilted his mirrors so that he could see his human charge sleeping soundly through the open window. His glasses on his bedside table, his chest rising and falling with his steady breaths, and the innocent smile on his face as he dreamed.

Bumblebee loved moments like these. They were rare moments when the young mech could live in the peacefulness of this world and not think of the war right outside. The young mech was of the last generation to be sparked from the Well, and, as a result, had only known war. So when he met Rafael, it was like he had regained some of his lost youth.

The scout's thoughts were cut off when he heard the humming of a blaster. He shifted his mirrors and just barely caught sight of a purple blast before it hit him and sent him flying down the street. Bumblebee transformed mid-air before rolling on the ground. Shaking his helm clear, he struggled to push himself up. Bumblebee lifted his gaze and his optics widened in shock when he saw Megatron standing where he just was, his cannon still smoking from the blast.

The scout tried to comm. the Autobot base, but he was met with only static. Seeing his panicked expression, Megatron chuckled darkly.

"No one will be coming to your rescue this time, little scout." The warlord grinned before the tug in his spark distracted him. He turned towards a human dwelling and knelt down to look inside. He couldn't believe it. This whole time, the dark energon in his spark was leading him towards a human. A sparkling at that.

"Bumblebee?" The being's small voice asked. "Is that you?" The tiny human, who Megatron remembered as 'Rafael', turned to pick up his glasses and place them over his eyes. He gasped in shock when he noticed blood red optics staring back at him. The warlord chuckled lowly once more.

"Not quite, human." He said before reaching through the bedroom window and grabbing Rafael.

"Bumblebee!" Raf called, struggling in the strong, yet surprisingly careful, servo of the Decepticon Leader.

"Raf!" The young scout beeped before scrambling to stand up and deploying his blasters. He faced the silver mech, who unsheathed his sword and held it dangerously close to the human. "Let him go, Megatron!"

"And what makes you believe I'll listen to you, scout? Unless you think you can take him from me?" Megatron grinned when the scout didn't respond. A humming noise interrupted the night air and a green glow bathed the once-dark street as a ground bridge portal opened behind the warlord.

"Bee..." Raf quietly called, fear evident in his wavering voice. The small boy had tears pricking his eyes as he glanced between the threatening blade and the young Autobot. The scout looked worriedly at the boy when their eyes made contact.

"Whatever you want him for, take me instead!" Bumblebee protested, unable to hide the pleading in his broken voice.

"As much as I appreciate your offer, little scout, I'm afraid I'll have to decline," Megatron responded before slowly walking backward through the portal, one optic trained on the young mech so as to not be taken off guard.

"Bee..?" Rafael began once he realized that the Autobot could not fight back or comm for help. "Bee?! Bumblebee?!" Rafael began squirming around more in the warlord's tight grip, freeing an arm as he heard the portal coming closer. "Bumblebee!!" He yelled, tears pouring from his eyes as he tried to reach for the scout.

Like a switch had been flipped, Bumblebee shot forward as fast as he could to the portal but it closed before he could reach it, taking the Decepticon warlord and his best friend with it. The scout fell to his pedes, staring off to where the vortex was a moment before. However, Bumblebee was not given long to process the events, as the lights from the nearby houses began to turn on. Humans who had heard the commotion were rising from their slumber to investigate the noise. Regrettably, the Autobot scout transformed and drove off, praying to Primus all the while that his best friend would be alright.


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