Touching the stars.

Start from the beginning

Picking up the receiver, I tucked the phone in the crook of my neck so I could continue to make my breakfast.

“Hey homo” I said, answering the phone.

“Carter! Oh my god, seriously why aren’t you answering your cell I called you five times!” she gushed down the phone; I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.

“You called me once didn’t you?” I replied, she sighed.

“Off subject! Are you going to ditch school today with me and come see One Direction?” she demanded, I frowned.

“Hmm, let’s see I could miss school and go see and brave a chance to possibly see your favourite band or go to school and deal with Alana? Tough choice, are you driving or am I?” I asked, she squealed from excitement.

“You’re the best person ever!” she squealed, I could hear the rustling of her jumping around in her bedroom.

“By the way, dad left his keys at home today so I am driving the car” she said, I could hear her smirk.

My stomach knotted, to be honest my mother was a doctor and my father was a lawyer. So we had some kind of money in my family, but Carly put our family to shame. The car she spoke of was a lambo. Yes, a Lamborghini; no joke.

“Are you sure, I don’t think I can afford to repay that car if we crash it” I replied, she laughed.

“Like you say ‘if I break it, I’ll make a deal with the devil to repair it’, hurry up I’ll be over in halve an hour!” she said, before hanging up on me.

Carter Jenkins, what have you gotten yourself into...

Pulling my fire truck red hair back into a high ponytail, it fell just below the top of my shoulders. Pulling my fringe out, I quickly straightened it before fastening a red bandana around my head instead of a hair band I moved on to my makeup. I was always self conscious about my face, so I hid behind my makeup. Foundation, blush, mascara, eyeliner, liquid eyeliner and to finish it off bright red lips; I never had a real modern sense of fashion in many ways. I very much loved the 1950’s rockabilly vibe. So today I was sporting a navy blue and white polka dot halter dress with a black and white varsity jacket. Slipping on my black ballet flats, I took a deep breath and eyed myself off in my full length mirror.

Three soft knocks at my bedroom door, had me turning around to smile at Desdemona as she popped her head around my bedroom door.

“Skipping school again Miss Jenkins?” she asked, I felt my cheeks blush darker than my original colour.

“I have a school excursion Desdemona, don’t worry” I smiled back, she smirked lightly.

Peeping around, she came over to me “I don’t know why you wear so much makeup, you look so much prettier without it” she said, reaching up and fixing my ponytail.

I smiled lightly “Thank-you” I mumbled.

Patting my shoulder she shrugged lightly “Miss Winters is here” she said, guiding me to my door.

Picking up my small side bag, slinging it over my shoulder I smiled “Thank-you, I’ll be home before five, I promise!” I said, jogging down the stairs.

Shutting the door behind me, I spotted the red machine at the end of the landscaped path. My stomach knotting again, the car scared me. Putting a smile on my face, I jumped in the car. Her mouth gaped open at my hair.

“You look like someone’s set your hair on fire!” she gasped, I frowned.

“I like it, so zip it!” I replied, with my sarcastic purse of the lips.

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