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A drizzle picked up where the wind left and I kneeled as my eyes and face got wet.

The clouds came and I was drenched as I sat there unmoving. Haru was dead and it seemed that he had taken Sensei with him, never to return.

My heart was heavy with grief.

I should've gotten to him up in the air to save him. I should've taken him to safety when we had the chance. I should've have done everything I could.

"It could've been a long time ago," a voice spoke behind me.

I clenched my hands into fists over my lap as my body shook so hard.

There was a clap of thunder just overhead but I was not moving.

"But he had defied his fate, killing the whole of Lemuria and leaving me alive and miserable."

Another streak of lightning pierced through as something hit home on me. A flash of memory came rushing to me. It was a memory from a dream.

I felt a force coming fast that my feet lifted off the ground, my body twirling in the air as I deflected her power directed at me. I landed several steps backward. I raised both my hands to shield another rushing force. She was raising her arms and hands, up and down like beating for an orchestra, and the blazes of lights of energies were like a sick song.

My palm was wide open as I repelled all her attacks.

The drizzle turned to rain as I stepped back with every assault she made. Then I felt my leg hit a boulder behind me and I was trapped.

Another thunder boomed.

I fell on my knees to avoid another hit, rolled down to my left and slid back to sit.

The water was cold and freezing, and the dress was magnificently not helping. I stretched and torn it up to my thighs so that I could slide back down to shun yet another attack as another lightning strike.

I swiped my legs, good thing I torn the dress, and shoved the puddle water, forcing it upwards to Meia to shift her attention. The water sloshed at her.

The moment she closed her eyes, I stood and lifted myself to the air, directed one force to the beach where I could feel Kim's presence and another to where Mira had fallen.

I pulled both of them to the clearing and we were back to where we started. The rain slowed down in anticipation.

Meia was in the middle and she was evidently amused.

But my recollection of the dream and even Meia's memory was clear now in my head as was the sky,as the thunder and lightning died down..

Before she made another move, I directed most of the forces I had in me to engulf her in her motionless spot. My force was no greater than hers, it didn't have no colour nor glow but I felt it coming from me just perfectly. And it seemed to hit the target just enough.

But she was no ordinary mystic. Through her stare, she directed her strike to Mira which luckily was saved just in time by Kim.

When they reappeared together across the clearing from me, I saw them exchanged their knowing nods and I was sure they had something figured out.

Kim disappeared and reappeared in an instant beside me to whisper, "Hold her down."

I never had the chance to ask him why. He was gone.

In a blink of an eye, he was at the other side perpendicular from me and Mira. We ended in our triangular position once again.

Though I didn't knew exactly the plan, I imagined what happened some decades ago in this very spot and in this very memory that we had deliberately disturbed and I wondered, would it ever made a difference if we did anything other than what had actually happened.

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