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I staggered at my feet, hitting the pavement hard as I felt my knee stung. My hand smacked down to break my fall as my wrist clicked.


I could see Kim at Mira's feet as she hovered over him.

It seems that Kim was getting burned as he tried to hold the bubble and recoiled every time.

I pushed at the floor to steady myself trying hard to ignore all the pain. Kim wasn't aware that I fell. He was focused to Mira and was obviously beginning to panic now.

When I finally had the strength to stand up, I looked at the map's bubble focusing the power to break it. I was sure if I could penetrate it, I could free Mira. I could not.

There was a strange power over it so I walked near it to use my hands.

Kim's arms were in the way out of nowhere. His eyes though were still over Mira.

"Let me," I told him.

But his arms didn't budge.

I raised both my hands reaching out over Kim's hands.

The map's bubble turned and turned faster and faster like a burning ball.

Then it stopped. Mira's body rose higher then stopped too.

She looked down at us with her eyes wide, the black rolling up. She looked scary.

I gulped back my fear, raised my hands higher to her still focusing my energy in breaking whatever spell it was engulfing her.

She swooped down at me, so suddenly like a ghost and stopped at my face, her warmth was smouldering, her glow was blinding.

Then she shrieked, her voice higher than normal, "The day had come."

The wind suddenly picked up. The night was suddenly freezing, even colder than the coldest December breeze.

"It is never or now," Mira screamed as she rose up. The globe behind her framed her body like she was stretched to her limit and then she fell.

Kim was there to catch her.

And I was stricken, cold and unmoved. I must have held my breath so long that Kim had needed to shake my body to recover.

It was just like in the dream.

I realized Mira was unconscious on my feet and Kim was talking on my face but I couldn't hear him.

Then his arms were over me and his words were soft and soothing.

"It's going to be fine."

I realized I was shaking.

Mira stirred then Kim let go.

He helped her up and hugged her too.

"What happened?" Mira asked.

Before we could answer, the map that had fallen on the floor unnoticed, glowed once again.

"The portal is almost open," Kim said as he picked it up. "Are you ready?" he asked.

We both nodded and held his arm as we all swooshed away, this time my eyes were open.

I could see as if looking through a glass, everything was like a slow motion movie. We all floated and it felt like flying. I could see the roads and buildings and houses and all the twinkling lights down the earth and up the sky. I could feel my body but it was three times heavier and three times slower.

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