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"I didn't know," I whispered.

It was overwhelming.

"Of course, you didn't. She was killed in the World War," she said matter-of-factly. "No offense," she added. "She was a hero."

I crinkled my forehead, "But how?" I inquired. Mira seemed to know much, this was my chance to ask for everything. "How could she?"

Then I realized something.

I peeked again to Kim, who was now drinking his melted choco ice cream from his cup.

"You knew that?"

Mira looked at him too.

"That's why you dragged me here?" I asked him.

He gulped before he answered, "According to Legends, yes."

He had a chocolate moustache. I looked at Mira, who looked at me and we both giggled. Kim looked adorable despite of himself.

He wiped it with the back of his hand and stood up. "I'll get us some water," then he stalked off.

"You see what I have been dealing with," I whispered to Mira who giggled some more and then we laughed heartily.

I heard a flitting hiss that sounded a lot like "Girls".

"Now, tell me more about these Legends," I asked her, now serious and faced each other.

She smiled at me, "Now that you are more relaxed, there are lot less clouds in your head."

I pouted.

She smiled again, she looked very cheery, it was hard not to feel the same way.

It was a breath of fresh air to be joined with a girl like me. Starting now, I guess it will be a lot less harder.

"You see, every family was kept to themselves. They have a variety of legacies," she started.

I thought of what Kim had said.

"Yes, just like with Kim's family," she said reading me. She was right. She could read me better now because I was more open to her now.

She smiled and continued, "These Prophecies, they were more of a guide for the family. A legacy to live by."

"With Kim's, I didn't know much. Drifters shared a common Prophecy. They just ended with different legacies depending on where they were or where they come from. But they move too much, so the Common Prophecy got lost in transition. And translation, in some."

I nodded. That was maybe why he didn't want to tell me. Kim came back, gave us our bottles and raised both his brows to me.

"Thanks," I told him as he sat on his side of the bench again and relaxed himself.

She nodded, "You're right about that. So all I could tell you was our version." She sat upright, welcoming Kim into the conversation.

"Seers, you see," she said looking to and from me and Kim. She seemed to be a very accommodating Tour Guide. "Are a very open group. We are cordial in nature. We do this because we wanted people to be open to us too. It's easier for us to read that way."

"The family had kept the Prophecy of Leading," this time, Kim looked at her.

"Yes, it was somewhat the same to your Prophecy of Leading too," she told him. "Come to think of it, all Prophecies seemed to be connected in a way."

She held her chin as she crossed her arms as a trail of thoughts lingered through her.

"What is the Prophecy of Leading?"

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