CHAPTER 16: It's Over.....

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It's been a few days since we got rid of that bastard and his crew once and for all. And, since Victoria was shot and has been asleep this whole time in the hospital. Even when she did wake up, she wasn't awake for too long. They had to cut deep into the back of her chest to remove the bullet that happened to be only a few inches away from her heart. She was doped up on so many sleeping medicines that, she wasn't ever fully awake.

This girl has been through so much pain and terrible things that I just can't believe she has made it out of them all and is still an amazingly positive and beautiful person both inside and out that I have ever met.

I don't deserve her. If it wasn't for me, her ex may have never found her. She wouldn't have gotten shot. This was all my fault. It's better that I leave, before she wakes up.

Cause there's no way she'll want to stay with me now. And I don't blame her.

So as I begin to stand up slowly, letting tears fall down my face, I lean down and kiss her one last time goodbye and leave.

"I'm so sorry baby. I love you." I then kiss her on the forehead one more time again and then take one final look at her before I leave.

As I was walking out, I bumped into Beca.

"Hey, where you going?" She asks me.

"I'm leaving. I can't be here when she wakes up. I have hurt her and put her life endanger more times than I'd like to admit." I say while avoiding eye contact with her and Josh.

"Dude, what are you talking about? She isn't gonna leave you. She loves you." Josh begins to say.

"Please, man. It's better for her this way." I say before I quickly walk past them and head out the hospital.

And after returning to the clubhouse to pack a few things, I then hit the road towards my private cabin that no one else but Josh knows about and that's a couple of hours away from the clubhouse. Cause I just need to think. Actually, more like, drink.



I tiredly begin to open up my eyes and see a bright light that's blinding me, then as I look over towards my right, I notice Beca and Josh asleep in each other's arms while in the chair.

Then Beca begins to wake up and open up her eyes. She smiles and jumps off Josh's lap and runs up to hug me.

"You're awake! Oh my god, you're awake!" She says to me while crying.

"Yeah. I'm okay." I assure her.

"Hey sleepy head." Josh tells me while rubbing his eyes a little bit to wake up a little more and kisses my forehead.

I start looking around the room for Ethan. But I don't see him.

So I look at Beca and ask, "Where's Ethan?"

Both Josh and Beca look at each other as though neither one wanted to tell me.

"What is it? What's wrong?" I ask.

"Victoria, um, he thought it would be best, for you, if he left. He feels like all of this happened because of him and he didn't want to cause you anymore pain." Beca barely was able to get it out.

"But that's not true. I love him. I want to still be with him." I begin to say, while starting to cry.

We then hear the door open up after a light knock, in walks through the door,
the doctor.

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