CHAPTER 7: I Can't Take It Anymore!!

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        It's been a few days now since Victoria and I talked or since I have seen her.

        I thought it was best to give her space. So of course I have giving her that, while Beca's shooting daggers from her eyes at me, which I understand why.

        We have only a week in a half until this trip is over and I know I can't stop thinking about her, I know I'm falling for her no matter how many times I try and deny it and I realize that the more I deny it, the worse and much angrier I become. So I'm gonna stop denying it and even though it's too soon to tell her I am falling for her, I'm still gonna try and do whatever it takes to try and make it up to her.

        Shit, I've not only googled romantic shit to do and how to win back the person you love when you fuck up bad. But I have also gone on Wattpad.

        I have heard her talk about it and the stories on there and the kind she reads, so I went on there and have been reading some really good stories.

         I even took a guess at seeing if I could find her profile on there. Which I did (luckily, she used her real name) as well as had her picture on there. And I began looking at her reading lists.

        It seemed like she was really into the bad boy stories, including ones about the guy being possessive but in a sexy way and stories like Fifty Shades of Grey. Which shocked the hell out of me cause I didn't see that coming from her. She seemed so innocent. But then again, maybe she's like Ana in the movie.

        No matter what kind of story it is, they all have a happy ending.

        Which to be honest, I know I'm not good enough for her and she does deserve better. She deserves the men she reads about in these stories and watch in the movies. She deserves that and so much more.

        I guess since I've known that from day one, I have tried to keep my distance and be a dick because I was afraid that I couldn't give her what she wants, needs and deserves. I might still not be able to either. But, you know what? I'm sure as hell gonna try. I just hope it's not too late for me.

        For the past couple of nights however, since she has been going out and drinking with Beca and everyone, I know she has been also dancing with a few guys and letting them kiss her. Which, though I have no right to be jealous and possessive, but am, I can't help but want to storm into the club and beat the shit of whoever touches her and thinks that they can.

        In fact, I'm going to do that right now. I quickly grab my keys and start heading to get her and bring her home from the club.

        As I quickly head outside towards my bike, I notice her walking, well more like trying to walk up the walk way, as I see the taxi that dropped her off just took off.

        She looked and sounded happy. Drunk happy. She looked so cute as she was kind of dancing while singing "Leave The Lights On." Which I like that song too. Though I don't really listen much to country, but Sam Hunt's good.

         She stops and looks at me. "Oh, hey you!" She says all drunkingly cute.

         That's it, I for sure have fallen and I don't ever wanna get back up.

         I quickly walk up to her and ask, "Are you okay?"

         "Pfft. Yeeaahh!" She replies. "Everybody is at the club, but I wanted to come home. I am staaaarving! And a big girl like me needs to eat." She then smiles.

         I try not to laugh at how cute and funny she is being right now so I just put my arm around her waist and she quickly pushes me away and vigorously shakes her head and index finger while saying, "No no no mister. You ain't getting any of this.." She starts pointing to her body. "Tonight. So don't be getting that close. Oh my god, I feel dizzy, I don't think it was a good idea to shake my head like that."

         I chuckle a little bit then grab her hand and start pulling her gently into the house.

        As soon as we got in, I shut the door behind us, while still holding her hand and helping her towards the couch where she plops down onto.

        "So what would you like to eat?" I asked her.

        "Um, is there a Mexican food delivery place or....Oooo I know, JBOX tacos, we can UberEats it and have them deliver!" She says excitedly. "Oh my gosh, I'm so smart!"

         "Okay." I chuckled. "Anything else, other than tacos?"

        "Ooo yes, actually, I want 5 tacos, an order of bacon cheddar potato wedges and a LG. Oreo Cookie Milkshake!" She smiles.

        "Alright. Let me order it. And how about you pick out a movie for us to watch?" I suggest to her.

        "Any movie?" She asks.

        "Yes. Any movie." I tell her.

         After I walk towards the kitchen to grab her some water, I order online then text Josh that Victoria's home safe and I'm taking care of her.

         I start walking back towards the couch and hand her the glass. She takes it from me and slowly starts to drink it.

        "Thank you." She says.

        "You're welcome." I say while taking a seat next to her. "So what movie did you decide?"

         "Fifty Shades Darker. I like the first one, but this one, OMG. I can't wait for the final one to come out." She says.

        "Isn't it a porno or something?" I ask her, not wanting her to know that I have already seen both of them and secretly wanna see the third one also.

         "No. There's also a love story behind it."  She finished the last of her water then sat back against the couch. "Now, don't get me wrong, the sex scenes are amazing and would be amazing to have someone do it to me, but, there's also a love story behind it."

        "But doesn't she want him to change everything about him? I mean, don't you think it's selfish?" I ask, knowing she won't remember tonight anyways.

        "No. She doesn't want to change the real him. I mean, the kinkiness, she even doesn't mind it, but with limits. And she is only talking about the part of him that he didn't realize he had in him until she came along. And cause also, with love there is no hesitation." She says sounding really into the story.

         Before I could say anything, there was a knock on the door.

        I got up and answered it as I saw it was some young guy, probably eighteen that handed me the drink and couple of bags after I handed him the money.

        When I came back in the living room and sat down next to her, she looked excited like a kid.

         "Yay! Food! Yummy yummy!" She said.

          I just chuckled and got the food out and we both started eating. She kept moaning when she took the first few bites of  one of her tacos.

          Then we started watching the movie. And I have gotta say, it was a little hard for me to convince my cock no action was happening tonight as I watched these sex scenes and thought about how Victoria told me she would like that to be done to her. But not tonight. I have to first convince her to forgive me and to give me another chance. Just one chance. Then if it works out and she's ready, I will do whatever she wants me to in the bedroom. She want's me to be her Christian Grey, I will be that. I will be whatever she wants me to be and do. 

        Besides, I had to carry her up to bed tonight since she passed out before the credits started. Which I loved carrying her bridal style. I liked helping take care of her.

        However, when I tried leaving her to sleep, as soon as I started to move, she asked me to stay. So I did. I held her as she cuddled up to me and laid her head on my chest before closing her eyes to fall asleep.

Next chapter tomorrow! Sorry, tired guys. :( But when I wake up I will post more! :)

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