CHAPTER 13: I'm Sorry, What??

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Today was definitely one of the best days of my life.

Ethan had won me a bear and we rode a few rides, ate a few fair foods then even took photos in a photo booth together. A few of them were obviously romantic and cute ones, another one was racy and the last couple of them were of us making silly faces.

We were all sitting at one of the restaurants in town when Ethan's cell phone went off and he excused himself to answer it.

He headed outside of the restaurant and I could see him through the window from where we were sitting at and though I couldn't hear him and wasn't trying to eavesdrop, I couldn't help but see him running his fingers through his hair and suddenly beginning to get upset and yet worried as he hung up and looked out towards the street then lit up a cigarette.

I know it's none of my business, but I wondered why he was really upset.

So I excuse myself from the table and start to head outside to comfort him.

When I walked up beside him while he leaned against the wall of the restaurant, I wrapped both my arms around his waist.

"Hey baby. You okay?" I ask him.

He nods his head as he blows out smoke after taking a final puff from his cigarette.

"Yeah, babe. Everything's fine. Just some work stuff." He tells me though I don't fully believe him. However, I also don't wanna ruin a great moment, so I just accept his answer, for now.

He kisses me on the top of my head and then takes my hand as we walk back into the restaurant to join everybody else.

Though for the rest of the dinner until we got back to the house, he was quiet more than usual.

Once we got back, him and I headed upstairs to our bedroom.

We made love before laying in each other's arms and fell asleep together.


The next morning, I woke up before everybody, it seemed like.

So I headed downstairs, poured some coffee and tried thinking about making some breakfast for everybody. Except I wanted to make some pancakes and we didn't have enough ingredients. So I decided to text Ethan to let him know I was going to the grocery store to get some things to make pancakes with and that I will be back soon.

I decided to walk there since it wasn't really too far away.

Once I got there and got some of the ingredients, I waited in line to check out and took out my phone to look at it and didn't see Ethan text me back. So I assumed he was still sleeping. Which good, then I can still surprise him. I thought.

I paid the cashier and just carried the box with me.

As soon as I walked outside and around the corner, I suddenly felt a calloused rough hand cover my mouth and was pulled in abruptly against a wall.

"Shhhh. Wouldn't want to hurt Ethan's old lady now, unless I have to." The man told me.

He was wearing a vest with what looked to be a gang name on the back of it, though I couldn't make out what it said, really.

I tried screaming until he placed a sharp blade from his switchblade knife against my throat.

"Now, you are going to walk with me towards my car and you are going to do it without causing a scene." He said.

I was terrified. What the hell was going on? Who was this guy? Did Ethan owe him money or something?

Which either way, I couldn't get over this man's bad breath that could seriously kill anyone quicker than a gun or his knife. And he smelled weird too.

Then before I could reply, I suddenly saw him being pulled off of me and thrown to the ground where Ethan was beating the shit out of him.

Before I could say anything, Ethan stood up, walked up to me with busted knuckles and asked, "Are you okay?"

I nod. "Yes." I was in shock. I had no idea what the hell just happened. But I better get some answers, I thought to myself. And quick.


Once we walked into the house, I had noticed that Chase and everybody, including Beca, were all packed, dressed and ready to go. Even my things were packed and Erika held my bear.

I look at everyone who are all looking at me with concerned looks on their faces.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" I ask.

I then look up at Ethan who let's out a breath and has also a worried look on his face.

"Baby. You need to sit down." He says to me.

While walking over towards the couch, I suddenly felt like a kid whose parents were announcing to their kid that they were getting a divorce.

After taking a seat, Ethan sat down next to me. Shit, was this an intervention of some kind?

"Baby, it's very important you tell me what that guy told you." Ethan asked.

"All he said was that he didn't wan't to hurt me cause I am your old lady, but yet made it sound like he still would." I replied.

"Was there anything else?" He asks me.

"No. That was it. Why? What's going on?" I ask, hoping to get some answers.

I notice Ethan letting out a breath before starting to tell me as though he's scared to tell me whatever it is he wants to say.

"Victoria? Promise me you'll hear me out before you react?" He asks sounding concerned.

I look up at Beca, Chase and everybody as they are all standing in front of me and Ethan. Still mostly focusing on me.

I then look back at Ethan and grab his hand.

"Of course baby." I assure him.

"Okay. Here it goes. I am the president of a motorcycle club....."

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask in shock and a little bit in disbelief.

"I'm the president of a motorcycle club and the man who grabbed you, is part of a different one that's our enemy. Last night, outside the restaurant, one of my guys at the clubhouse, called me to let me know that the leader of the gang that that guy is from, happens to be in town." He tells me.

Before I could ask any questions or say anything, a bunch of gunshots fired through the windows.

The next thing I knew, we went into the garage through the kitchen door and got into a big black SUV.

I quickly got into the back with Ethan, putting his arms around me and keeping me down while Damien stepped on the gas pedal and put the car in reverse.

He went through the garage door, without opening it first. There were shots being fired towards us but, the windows on the car were luckily bulletproof.

We began driving to, I don't know where. All I know is that I'm scared and wondering why am I a target? What did Ethan do to piss these guys off?

During the drive, I laid into Ethan's arms and fell asleep.

I may not really know who he is, but all I know is that he did save my life and besides I care about him a lot. Most importantly, no matter how silly it might sound, but, I felt safe with him.

Though later on I planned to ask him questions.

Sorry. This is more of a filler, I'm going to call it for now. But either way, I will post another chapter tomorrow! :)

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