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Violets P.O.V

*1 month later*

I get out of bed and immediately put on exercise shorts, red flash shirt and converse.

I get out of bed and immediately put on exercise shorts, red flash shirt and converse

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Then I put my hair in a bun. Everyday has really been the same...wake up, go to the hospital, sometimes emmit would join, sometimes we would go somewhere.

He and I are growing closer and closer everyday. Grayson on the other hand... we haven't spoken in one month. Not one day goes by where I don't want to text him. I always just want to pick up my phone and text him. But I messed up real bad...

Tomorrow, James's 1st month is over. I came back to LA June 15th and it's already July 25th. I've been home for a little over a month and so much shit as gone on.

My birthday is in a week, which im not excited about, because it's the last one I'm going to be able to spend with James... I never really liked my birthday. I hate having attention on me.

I go out to my kitchen and pack myself some snacks then headed over to the hospital.

Today is the big day, James gets to go him, the doctor wants him to be comfortable. So goodbye hospital !

Once I get to the hospital I saw Kevin and Victor.

"Kevin!" I jog over to him.

"Oh hey vi" he turns around.

"Violet!!" Victor yells

"Hey bud" I smile

"Can you tell your mom I'll meet you guys at the house because I have this huge meeting"

"Yeah no problem" I take victors hand

"Your the best kiddo"

I laugh

Kev kisses the top of victors head and walks away.

I head over to James room. I still lose my breath when I see him. He lost all of his hair from the chemo.

Today he is wearing a dark green Jurassic park hat. I let go of victors hand and close the door.

"Where did you get that hat" I smirk

"A friend"

I sit down on the bed "tell meeee" I laugh

"Grayson" he mumbles

I sigh and get up to pack the rest of his stuff. "Oh...he came again?" I say trying not to let dino know that it hurts me.

"Yeah, every other night" he says as he plays with his fingers.

I force a smile.

My mom walks in "ready?!"

"Ready as ever!" James jumps up and down.

I Changed My Mind  //  Sequel To "You"Where stories live. Discover now