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She had been dancing for the past two hours. The curls in her hair, had loosened and beads of sweat had formed on her forehead. She had been surrounded with her friends. Her eyes closed, her body moving with the music. In her own little world.

Getting lost in thought I didn't realize she had left the dance floor was was making her way towards me. My mouth had gone dry, and I had tried to lick my lips as she got closer, she ended up walking past me and directly to the bartender behind me.

"can I get a Cosmo?" She asked. The bartender nodded at her and began her order. She ran her fingers through her hair and sat down. Once her drink was handled to her she took the entire thing in one gulp and slammed it against the table.

As the bartender began to make her another, I turned around in my chair to face the bartender, "I'll take another scotch." I request.

The bartender freshens my drink and hands the girl another Cosmo. "cheers" she says, glancing at me, raising her glass. I do the same and we take large sip from out drinks.

"so what must've happened for a pretty girl like you to be here on a Wednesday night?"

She drops her head, and bites her lip. "heartbreak," she laughs

"I'll cheers to that." I say, raising my glass again. We tap glasses this time before we take it in. "So whats your name love?"

"YN" she says,

"I'm Josh" I say,

"well Josh, It is currently 2am, and I have class tomorrow." YN laughs, I glance at my watch and see it is already 2am.

"oh shit" I laugh, "I have work tomorrow." We both laugh as we stand up from our stools, "Would you like me to get you a cab?"

"yeah sure, that'd be nice." She says, We walk outside and I stand in the street getting her a cab. As soon as one pulls up I open the door for her

"so uh, YN could I ask you out sometime? I can show you my sober side of me. Instead of hitting on you while I'm drunk as hell." I suggest, she laughs

"give me your phone" she says, I do and she enters her number into my phone and hands it back. "alright I will see you on our date."

"alright, have a good night." I say, as she gets into her cab and I shut the door for her.

The birthday is on Thursday. I need to get three papers done, take four quizzes and take two things of notes. SEND HELP. I need food and money.

remember to:

drink some water. eat something like broccoli. that's good for you. text your family. hug your doggo. Save money for college.

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