dont go

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"Hey babe, where is my mask?" Josh asked shuffling through his luggage for the third time, almost panicking.

"You mean the one hanging out of your pocket?" I asked. Hugging him from behind, grabbing the mask from his front pocket. He sighed in relief.

"What am I going to do without you for three whole months?" He asked. Placing his forehead against mine.

"No idea." I said then placed a light kiss in s nose. "Come on we have to get you to the airport." I said.

"So eager to get rid of me?" Josh asked. Chuckling. Making those lines appear, causing his eyes to almost disappear.

"You know I want you to stay. But your flight leaves in two hours and we both know if you are not there an hour early you will start to panic again" I said.

Josh did have severe anxiety, it got to the point where whenever we travel he convinces himself that the plane had already left. Even though the plane was not even boarding for an hour. So he made it a thing to arrive a good hour and a half early. But it calmed him down so I was happy to sit in an airport for over an hour.

"Okay bye baby girl." Josh said leaning down to give our (more like his) cat one last kiss before leaving the house. I followed him and helped load his luggage into the back of my Cherokee Classic. His hands were shaking, so i drove us. He was nervous for this tour. It was the biggest one the band has ever done, the Emotional Roadshow. So nervous he began to have anxiety nightmares

Once we pulled into LAX I found a parking spot. We grabbed his luggage from the back and I walked him to the gate. We sat next to a window for an hour. Watching the planes land and fly away. We went over his schedule for the next three months. How much traveling he was going to do. The second leg of the tour was the European Leg.

"Jish!" Tyler called. Getting both our attention. "hey Y/N! What's up?!" Tyler asked walking over. Rolling his suitcase behind him.

"Where's Jenna?" I asked.

"She hates coming to the gate to say goodbye, so we did it in the parking lot already." Tyler explained. "Three months" he exhaled with a pout.

"Flight 815 to New York now boarding" the lady said into the intercom.

"That's us, See you later y/n" Tyler said giving me a tight hug. Then left to stand in line, giving josh and I some privacy.

"You better call me at least once a day." I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Im going to call you twice a a day." Josh said into my hair as he hugged me tighter than Tyler. I felt my tears roll down my face. He pulled away and cupped my face. He wiped my tears with his thumb. "Hey, it's only three months. Out of five years together, we can handle it." Josh said. I nodded.

"Alright. I love you. You're going to do great."

"Love you too." Josh said. Holding my hands and lifting them to his lips. He placed a light kiss on them. Then one on top of my head. He picked up his duffle and dragged his suitcase behind him. He walked toward the gate, handed the lady his boarding pass, and looked back at me one more time. He drew a heart in his chest. I giggled and drew a slightly bigger heart in mine and he chuckled.

Joshua Dun ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now