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Minutes before the interview started Josh bounced nervously. Normally he had his girlfriends support before any show, but it had been three months since they have seen each other. With Josh being on tour and y/ns work getting in the way they never found time.

Naturally Josh missed the voice of his paramore. So he pulled out his phone and dialed 1 on his phone and his speed dial read Babe💕😘♋️

Josh let the phone ring for a few seconds before he got a text from her

Babe💕😘♋️: I'm sorry babe. I'm in the middle of a meeting. I'll call you back in an hour. Love you😘

Automatically Josh's smile dropped. Hoping that y/n didn't have to work so much. Yet he thought he was being hypocritical since he spent his life on the road now.

"Josh it's time" Tyler said. Sticking his head into Josh's dressing room. The two began walking backstage and to the stage.

"Ok here we are in the Jack FM 98.3 studio. We have Tyler and Josh from Twenty One Pilots here with us. We are about to answer questions from the audience." The radio host Jack introduced. "And the first question goes out to Casey, what's up Casey?" Jack asked. A girl from the crowd was standing at the microphone and had a notecard in her hand

"Hi I'm Casey, and I absolutely love you two. And my question is... What is your favorite song to perform live?" She asked. Then waited for a reply. They both say and pondered the question.

"Probably Ode to Sleep" Tyler said.

"Yeah ode to sleep is a good one" Josh confirmed. They answered several questions. Then one interesting one came up.

"My question is, are there any special lady's in your life?" Referring to a girlfriend.

"My mom" Tyler said. "Oh and I'm married." He said. The crowd laughed.

"What about you josh? Marriage anytime soon?" The host asked. Everybody knew exactly who they were talking about.

"Uh well we have talked about it, and I didn't think this was the place nor time to announce that... Tyler and I are getting married." Josh said grabbing Tyler's hand to hold. Tyler was blushing but embraced Josh's grip.

"It's true." Tyler said. The crowd going nuts.

"No but really, I am in a relationship with my drums and with my beautiful girlfriend of four years Y/N." Josh explained. Even her name made josh smile and his heart flip.

"But do you see a future there?" The host asked. Josh getting nervous.

"I mean of course I do, she's the most amazing girl I've ever met. I'm crazy about her. But right now, we are both on crazy schedules. We actually haven't seen each other in three months-" Josh explained. Getting sad about the fact he hasn't seen his girlfriend in so long. Tyler noticed his friend change in emotion.

"I've been fortunate enough to have this guy all to myself for those three months." Tyler said. Still holding Josh's hand.

Tyler and the host went on answering more questions as Josh reminisced on his time with his girlfriend. He almost wanted to run off the stage and call her just to hear her voice again. The last time they spoke was a FaceTime at 3 in the morning the day before.

"Well our time is up but once again Tyler and Josh from Twenty One Pilots." The host said and we waved the crowd goodbye and walked off stage.

"Hey come on, just one more month then we will be in Ohio again." Tyler said. Patting Josh's shoulder in support. The two returned back to their shared dressing room to see Tyler's wife Jenna sprawled on the couch. "Babe!" Tyler yelled absolutely esthetic to see his wife. Normally Jenna travels with us but she did stay back in Ohio for the past couple months, separating her and Tyler.

Josh watched as Tyler picked up Jenna and spun her around in sheer joy. Then setting her down to give her kisses. Of course Josh was happy for the couple, but he wished for his paramore.

"I'm sorry Josh, Y/N planned to come along, she bought a plan ticket and everything but then work called and screwed up the plan." Jenna explained. Resting her head on Tyler's shoulder.

"No, it's fine. I just miss her. But one more month right?" He asked. Running his hand through his hair.

"Might be sooner than that buddy." Tyler said. Staring at something. Josh looked at him confused. Then his eyes widened and looked behind him.

"Salutations" y/n said. She had on her work clothes and a duffle bag dragging behind her.

"Oh my god! What are you doing here?!" Josh asked running over to his girlfriend lifting her up and spinning her around.

"My meetings ended at noon so I got on a plane and came here." y/n explained as Josh put her down. They placed their foreheads on one another.

Josh embraced his girlfriend for a long and tight hug. Inhaling her scent. Rosemary and lemons.

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