Photogenic Fruits

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I parked my BMW and we both got out of the car. We grabbed our backpacks from the backseat. And he came around the car and intertwined our hands. We began walking on the path. The waves crashing in the distant. We climbed over a hill. Josh offered his hand to pull me to the top.

"There it is." Josh whispered. We stared out to the open. Miles and miles of nothing but ocean. Justin pulled me to his chest and hugged me tightly.

Living in Ohio we had never seen the Pacific Ocean until josh moved out here for work. We had seen beautiful pictures of Santa Monica and Malibu but we figured we didn't want anything too crowded.

We watched the waves actually hit the shore. It was 5 in the morning so nobody was out here yet not even the sun. We held hands again as we walked down the hill and onto the sand. Tripping a couple times over the thick layers of sand. We went about ten feet away from where the waves crashed.

Josh dug in his backpack for a blanket. We sprawled it out for us to sit on. "Oh can't forget." He said digging deeper in. He pulled out a recycling bag. Inside he had backed us a small breakfast. "Nutella sandwich for m'lady." He said handing me mine. I giggled. "And my famous crunchy peanut butter and jelly for me." I gasped. Tempted to trade. "Or Nutella for me and PB&J for m'lady?" He suggested. Noticing I was eyeing his sandwich. I laughed and nodded. He traded our sandwiches. "Then bowl of very photogenic fruits. Totally Instagram worthy " He said placing a Tupperware in front of us. Lifting the lid and revealing various fruits cut up with cookie cutters. Making cute shapes. "Then m'lady's favorite drink... Orange juice.." He said handing me a small bottle of Simply Orange.

"You're the best." I smiled and kissed him slightly. "I love you."

"Love you too." He said kissing my nose. I leaned against him as I ate the sandwich. The sun began to rise and the birds started chirping. We sat in silence for about an hour. There was nothing awkward about it at all.

"Josh." I whispered. Breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" He asked looking down at me.

"I'm still hungry." I whispered. Looking out at him innocently. He let out a chuckle.

"Well we should fix that." He said. We both stood up. Josh cleaned up the tuber wear while I folded the blanket. We headed back to the car and he drove us to a diner. It was almost a replica of Carols, an old diner that Josh and I always went to in Columbus. "I found his place the other day. Maybe we won't get so homesick." He said. I laughed. This one was called "Diane's." We walked in and were greeted.

"Feel free to sit wherever my babies. I'll be right with you." A waitress said as she poured some coffee for a guy with a beard. We chose a taller table by the window. Only set for two. We sat on each side of the table and look out the window. Traffic is starting and we watch as everybody rushes to work on this Saturday morning. "What can I get for my babies?" The waitress says taking out a notepad.

"I'll have a coffee. Black." Josh says. She nodded and glances at me.

"I'll take a small glass of orange juice"

"Sure thing babe, anything to eat?" She then took our food order as well. Josh has pancakes and I get the waffles. She left to go into the kitchen to get us our drinks and came back. She places the drinks on the table.

"Thank you." Josh and I say in sync. We then began talking about our plans for the rest of the day. I wanted to go to a farmers market and Josh wanted to go swimming at the pool in our pool. So once we finished our breakfast we got up and Josh paid. We got back into the Benz and I drove us downtown. We walked down a couple blocks and found the farmers market.

"I gotta pee." Josh whined. I laughed. "Be right back." He said. Then kissed my lips before he took off to find a restroom. So I started walking without him. I bought fresh strawberries and kale. As I paid for the items I bent down to pick up my reusable bag when flowers appeared in front of me. I turned around and Josh stood there. I smiled. He showed me the flowers he bought. A bouquet of various colors.

"You're sweet." I said and kissed him. He smiled in the kiss.

"Can we go swimming now?!" Josh asked, like an impatient little boy.

"Hold on I want some raw honey." I begged, tugging on his arm.

"Babbbeeee." Josh wined.

"Come on, now hold my stupid hand." I said. Josh laughed.

"Maybe I don't want to hold your stupid hand." Josh sassed. Making me laugh. And he broke his serious face and laughed as well.

"Just honey, and we can go home." I said and we walked further down the market, until I found the beekeepers and bought a mason jar filled with raw honey. We made our way back to the car. Josh drove and handed me the flowers.

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