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"I'm tiered of this Josh!" I say, throwing my hands between us, gesturing our current relationship status.

We had been together for 3 years and all I was asking was that he showed me that he still loved me. Working on a new album had him be so distant and cold towards me. Basically no sexual tension or any form of communication between us for the past few weeks.

"What do you mean?" He asks, confused

"I can't do this." My voice trailing off. I place my hand on my forehead and rub my temples, after taking a breath I turn around and go upstairs. Josh trails not far behind.

"Y/n," josh calls, following me to my room. His hand wraps around my waist, trying to pull me closer to him.

"Josh, please I can't do this right now."

"What do you mean? You can't do this anymore?" He asks, his eyebrows scrunching together

"Do you not love me anymore?" I softly say, not taking my eyes off the floor. I can feel the tears welling up and blurring my vision.

"What are you talking about?" Josh asks, not believing what he's hearing, "what makes you think that? I love you, of course I love you."

I look up at him, his muscular body hovers over me, enhancing the differences in or heights. Trying to read him, something I've been trying to figure out since we got together three years ago. And all I got was confusion.


I glance down at my feet again, my fingers twist together, josh takes both hands into his. He uses one hand to lift my chin to look at him.

"I feel like I mean nothing to you Josh," I admit, looking up at the ceiling, hoping my tears would disappear.

"You mean so much to me Y/N." he promises, he takes my left hand once again and he raises it, on my left finger is an Otter Ring that he had gotten be when he asked me to be his girlfriend. He gave the otter a little kiss and rubbed the metal with his thumb. "I promised myself to you. And to love you forever."

I couldn't hold my tears anymore, the small water streaks ran down my cheeks , and soft sobs started. Josh didn't say anything, instead he just held me close to his chest, holding so tight. "I love you YN, don't ever doubt it." He whispers, pulling her even tighter.

"I love you too." I whisper into his chest, resting my head, inhaling the scents of his lavender fabric softener.

Joshua Dun ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora