Chapter Twenty-Seven:

Start from the beginning

The hog monkeys lowly pleaded out to us and before I could tell Aang to get them out, he was already on it. As we flew up, Sokka reached back for his boomerang, "This is going to take forever."

He let it go and his boomerang cut the ropes and the cages dropped down. The hog monkeys escaped and ran away back to their homes in the trees.

Sokka leaned down and examined the cages. "These are Fire Nation traps."

"How do you know?" I asked.

"You can tell from the metal work." He answered. I crossed my arms, "So what happens next?"

He turned to us with his brows furrowed, "We better pack up camp and get moving."

We nodded and began to walk back to where we were camped.

"And next time, I'm not going to suggest to you staying with us. When I tell you to stay put, you stay put." Sokka scolded me. I sighed, "Okay dad."

Sokka rolled his eyes and I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and Katara was giving me a sympathetic smile, "I'm glad we got there in time before anyone else did."

I nodded, "Yeah." I looked back forward and Katara removed her hand and brought it to her side. From the corner of my eye, I saw her frowning.

When we got to the camp, we rolled up our sleeping bags and Katara and I were handing them to Aang to put on Appa's saddle.

"Uh-uh, no flying this time." Sokka said, walking over to Aang and getting our sleeping bags from him. "What? Why wouldn't we fly?" Aang asked.

"Think about it. Somehow Prince Zuko and the Fire Nation keep finding us. It's because they spot Appa, he's just too noticeable."

"Hm, you got a point." I nodded. "What? Appa's not too noticeable." Katara defended.

"He's a gigantic, fluffy monster with an arrow on his head! It's kinda hard to miss him!"

Appa roared and I chuckled, petting him. "It's okay Appa. We still love and appreciate you."

"Yeah, Sokka's just jealous 'cuz he doesn't have an arrow." Aang added.

"I know you all wanna fly but my instincts tell me we should play it safe this time and walk."

"Who made you the boss?" Katara asked our brother with her hands on her hips. Sokka pointed to himself, "I'm not the boss. I'm the leader."

I snickered and he eyed me.

Katara scoffed, "You're the leader? But your voice still cracks! Ruka should be the leader. At least her voice doesn't get all high like yours."

I crossed my arms, "Yeah! I'm just as suitable to be. Probably way more."

"I'm the oldest and I'm a warrior!" Sokka deepened his voice, "So, I'm the leader."

"If anyone's the leader, it's Aang. I mean, he is the Avatar." Katara said. "Are you kidding? He's just a goofy kid." Sokka replied.

We looked to Aang and he was hanging upside down from Appa's horn. "He's right."

Katara crossed her arms, "Why do boys always think someone has to be the leader? I bet you wouldn't be so bossy if you kissed a girl."

I made an O shape with my mouth and scooted away from the two. I whispered to Aang, "Burn."

"I've kissed a girl! You just haven't met her."

"Who? Gran-Gran? I've met Gran-Gran."

"The Fire Nation is near by." I chuckled and Aang nodded.

"No! Besides Gran-Gran. Look, my instincts tell me we have a better chance of slipping through one foot and the leader has to trust his instincts."

"Okay, we'll try it your way ol' wise leader."

"Who knows! Walking might be fun." Aang smiled. I picked up my carrier and put the straps on my shoulder's. "I kinda doubt that. Flying is way better than walking."

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