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So i know yall prolly don't care about what I'm bout to say but i just need to vent.

My dad and his oldest daughter, my older sister, don't get along. He was in her life until she was five, then he disappeared, came back when she was ten, and then disappeared again. They met again when she was 15. They talked for a while but he still wasn't that father figure that he needed to be for her. There was so many broken promises. He was making promises to her sons, his grandsons, and then breaking them because of the *cough*woman*cough* he calls his wife. She controls everything that he does. He is there for her and her family and he puts then before his own children. He tries to keep me separated from my siblings, mainly my sister, because he doesn't like her. She has tried to fix things with him but its like the wife doesn't want that to happen so she does something to get in the way of it. This past summer when i was in Chicago, my sister wanted to come get me so that we could spend time together since we hadn't seen each other in over 2 years. I was 13 the last time i saw her. Now im 16. My mom was cool with it and so was my dad. Until the wife cane home from work. After she got home, everything changed. He didn't want me to be hanging around with my sister. He, his wife, and her daughter were telling me all junds of things like how my sister is evil, she ain't no good for me, she might hurt me just to get back at my dad..They told me that she would be trying to tell me things about my dad that weren't true. That she would try to fill my head with lies about him and turn me against him. But that's what they were doing. Well that's what they were trying to do. They tried to make me take their side and pit me against my sister. They are also trying to keep me away from my brothers.

My mom feels that what they are doing is very wrong so she and my sister surprised me today. My sister drive down to Bloomington from Chicago with her family. I was so shocked that when i first seen them, i just stood there staring until i finally snapped out of it and hugged my sister. We went out and had an amazing day together. Me, her, her husvand, and all the kids. I love them all with all my heart. And next is going to be me going up there so that i can visit my brothers and all their families.

My dad, his wife, and her daughter, her daughter who he treats more as a daughter to him than his actual blood daughter. Along with the wifes grandson who he goes to see more than any of his own grandkids. None of them would be happy with me hanging out with my sister all day. But we don't give a fuck!

And we took a lot of pictures which we all posted on facebook with different captions for them to see.

My mom, my sister, and me. We all petty. Petty asf. Now i know where i get it from.

I just had to get all that out and thanks to all yall who took the time to read it. I love all my loyal readers and I'll be trying to update my books soon.

Love Bree❤❤❤😘

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