Chapter 9

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Jaylen Cole

I think I'm bout to just go snitch on myself and take that ass whoopin cause now we gotta do whatever Bry or Bray say, and they making us do everything for them. We cleaned nearly the whole house because that was Bry's punishment, and then we had to clean up Bray room and bathroom because he found out about us sneaking out too.


Oh shit!
Bryanna Maryae Lynnae Cole

When I herd my daddy call us into his room, I was nervous as hell cuz if he found out I didn't do nun of the chores that I was supposed to do, imma get a whooping.
Jeremiah Cole

Fuck! I know we all in trouble now. Shoulda never snuck out the other night.
Braylon Cole

I knew I shouldn't have got in on that blackmailing shit. Now I'm in trouble too cause dad told me to clean my own room by myself.

These damn kids think they can just get away with everything. I know that Jaylen and Jeremiah snuck out the other night. I also know that Bry and Braylon been blackmailing they asses too. Here they come now.
Bryanna Maryae Lynnae Cole

We all met up in the hallway outside my dads room and everybody looked scared. We was just silently arguing over who would go in first. They gon say sum youngest first and pushed me into the room, then they walked in behind me. Our dad was sitting on his bed with a leather belt in his hands. Damn! Damn! Damn!

Dad-Bry why u didn't do the chores that I gave u to do today?

Me-I did do them. The kitchen, bathroom, living room, and my room is clean.

He popped me twice with the belt. He knew I was lying. But how did he know that?

Dad-Stop lying cause I know u ain't clean up. And Bray y u ain't clean up your room or bathroom?

Braylon-Yes I did. Its all cleaned up.

Then he hit Braylon twice with the belt. How in the hell does he know that we're lying about this shit?

Dad-Ight so let's try this again. Jaylen and Jeremiah, why was y'all cleaning up for y'all sister and brother?

Jaylen and Miah looked at each other and then they told on they self.

Jeremiah-Well u see dad. It was this party the other night that me n Jay wanted to go to but since we knew that u wouldn't let us go cause it was a school night, we snuck out.

Dad-And let me guess. Bry found out y'all snuck out, threatened to tell me if y'all didn't do what she said? And Bray knew too. He just didn't start blackmailing y'all till he found out Bry was doing it, right?

Everyone *except me anddad*-Yes sir.

I was still standing there crying so when he noticed he said "Is that what happened?" All I did was stand there and cry cause I knew I was in trouble and that my lying at the beginning only made it worse on me.

When he saw that I wasn't going to say anything, he grabbed my arm and started whooping me. This one was worse than the last two whoopings I had got combined. I think it went on for like 5 minutes maybe. All I know is that it hurt like hell and I was already grounded so that just made it longer.

Next thing I know he's doing the same to Braylon. And then Jaylen and Jeremiah. I honestly think they got it the worst tho. Because they were the ones that snuck out. All I know is I'm never getting in trouble again. Cuz my dad ain't playing and he for real when he say he gon whoop yo ass.
Jeremiah Cole

I ain't never sneaking out again. Ever!
Jaylen Cole

I ain't never sneaking out again either.
Braylon Cole

For now on I'm never lying to my dad again. And I'm cleaning my own room.
Everybody got caught! Smh

They all said they ain't gon get in no more trouble either. Lies all lies.

Chapter 10 coming soon

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