Chapter 1

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I stared out the window of our car as we drove down the street heading straight to the last place I want to go, the train station. I sigh once again and ask the same question that I've been asking since I found out about it last month, "Do I really have to go to a private all girls school? I mean why can't you continue to home school me like before?" I didn't want to go somewhere were I knew no one but it's not like I know very many people now anyways. I toy with the necklace around my neck that I haven't taken off since my mom gave it to me 5 years ago. It's my good luck charm but right now I don't feel too lucky.

"Baby girl, I've said it a hundred times and I'll say it a hundred more if I have to. Yes, you need to go to this school there are things that I can't teach you and you really need to socialize more. Make new friends and experience new things but just have fun," Mom says turning to smile at me with her bright green eyes, sincerity was in her eyes and I cursed myself for loving her so much. Her short, blond, curly hair falling to her shoulders and framing her face making her look younger than she is. I grab my own ponytail and bring it so I am able to look at my hair examining the color. I had definitely gotten my hair from her but it was straight unlike her's, and I absolutely hate my hair when it's down.

"But not too much fun, and be sure to stay away from the boys at the school a few blocks over you aren't ready for that yet," Dad looked in the rearview mirror, his red hair falling in his eyes, so he could look me straight in the eyes as he stopped at a red light I just nod my head not having anything to say. The light turns green and we're moving once again while I'm left in thought. It's not like I could get a boyfriend anyways I can barely talk to boys let alone try to date them. I feel like it would just be kind of awkward and quiet because I can't keep conversations. When the car stops again I look up to see the train station standing before us and my stomach drops, this is really happening. "I know we said we were going to wait here with you until the train comes but I have a very important company meeting that I can't miss so we have to drop you off." I gasp looking in the mirror meeting my own blue eyes as they glow brightly switching to green.

"You're just going to leave me here, alone," I say flabbergasted that they would actually bring me her to go to a place I don't want to go and leave me before I even leave myself. I start getting mad but sigh trying to expel all the things I actually want to say but instead settling for and "Fine."

I climb out of the car and head around and stand in front of the trunk waiting for him to pop it open to get my trunk out. Mom gets out of the car and comes around pulling me into a hug as my bottom lip begins to quiver and as the anger becomes sadness at the thought of leaving my family behind. My Little sister, Nala, we just turned 7 a few weeks ago climbs out and runs over to give me a goodbye hug as well. I may be almost 5 years older than her but we are still best friends and I hope that won't change while I'm away. Once the trunk is popped dad comes and joins us as we get the trunk out onto the sidewalk.

"Come on Sweetheart, we'll see you on Christmas which is only a few months away and you'll get to see your cousins. I mean it's been about 3 years since our last family reunion," Dad says trying to cheer me up and it does somewhat make me more eager for Christmas but less eager to leave my family for those few months. But they are so persistent with my need to go to this school so I'll make them happy and go without a fight.

I wave to them as they drive away leaving me to walk in on my own. I take a deep breath as I push the large door open to see a bunch of people bustling around the train station as people wait to leave or they are just arriving on a different train. I walk to platform 10 to wait for the train and I sigh leaning up against a brick wall across from the platform nines's sign.

"Quickly, Quickly!" I here a woman's voice say near me so I look around the corner of the brick wall to see a large group of people walking towards platforms nine and ten. The woman I heard stops and stands next to a man with short black hair and round glasses as his arm is wrapped around her waist. They appear about the same age but she seems to be a little younger with her straight, red hair falling to her shoulders. A large group of kids about my age rush by them a lot of them being red heads themselves. They head straight for the wall between the platforms and I cringe not wanting to see them crash and to see their stuff go everywhere, but instead they disappear from sight as another one of the kids runs through after them. I'm shocked, what is happening here? This is in no way possible. This continues on for a few more minutes before the two adults walk through followed by a woman with wavy brown hair and a man with short red hair much like the lady before.

The train announces that it's coming but I really want to know what just happened. I rush over to the wall and hesitantly walk through it and see darkness for a few seconds before I'm greeted with another train platform. I look up at the sign and see that is says nine and three-quarters which really isn't a thing but yet here it is. I look around at all the people, my trunk still rolling behind me. I look around to see a large, red and black train engine getting ready to go. This is amazing but hurry back to make sure I don't miss my own train, but as I reach towards the wall to leave there is just a wall. "No no no no," I repeat in shock that I'm stuck here and scared I won'[t be able to get back to my train and possibly never to see my family again. I see those kids getting on the train to leave so I head over to where they are and want to ask where I am but the red headed woman ushers me onto the train behind a red headed girl.

"Go on dear you don't want to miss the train, I'll make sure the workers know to put your trunk in with the others," She seems very nice but she doesn't understand that this isn't the train I'm supposed to be getting on but as I go to stop her from taking my trunk one of the works walk over to us and closes the door so that I'm stuck inside. I give him a nervous smile and start walking down the passage walking by rooms with talking kids till I get to an empty one. I sit on the edge of the seat and grip it till my knuckles turned white. Where am I? Where are we going? I am so terrified because this is all new to me and I'm not supposed top be here. I got so caught up in my thoughts when a knock came to the door I jumped looking up terrified to see who it was.

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