The pranks

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                                    Phantom Freddy POV

Well hi me Phantom Freddy here . I was walking  around the  Halls until  I came  across  springtrap who was in a chair sleeping I soon decided that it was the greatest  time to prank him .I teleported away then teleported to the chair I grabbed a hold of it making sure that springtrap didn't notice me then I disappear it with the chair .

                                         Springtrap pov

So I woke up I looked down and the chair  was gone I feel  on the floor thenI turn around .then Phantom Freddy popped out of nowhere with the chair and in hes hand will in both his hands. Then I saw Phantom mangle laughing. Then I got up and tried to attack them but they disappeared and I feel to the ground  with a huge bam ...and face-planting myself . All the Phantom's  laughed at me . Then foxy ran in and said what ye laughing about  lads. The Phantom's responded and said ha springtrap he ha ha ha we are s-starting the pranks shouted Phantom mangle .then foxy growled and said. Mangle what did we say adout this it'd n-n-not nice to prank. Ugh your such a Goody Two Shoe foxy you don't have the guts to be one of us . Foxy  then left the room with a sad look on his face. I then got up and followed he the he stopped walking and sat do sobbing before  saying  why doesn't  my sister understand  that i-I oh for get it foxy your never going to be loved .I then walked away  and the word that foxy spook (oh forget it foxy you never be loved) started to taunt my mind it started to make me think back of how I started. Well it's been a long day I a m going to sleep and night guard comes tomorrow  . Then I slowly go to sleep 

                                               NEXT  DAY 

                                      SPRINGTRAP POV

I woke up the sun was blinding my servos or eyes for a bit until I started to adjust to the light  .then I tried to get up but my right hand  wouldn't move . Grrrrr I growled then I looked down and a nail was or looked liked hammered into my hand . Then I looked to see Phantom mangle  smiling and said so good morning  or good nailed it . Then soon we'll after an hour  of trying to get that nail out . Then I saw foxy walk towards me  then said good morning  springtrap  oh and sorry about the nail thing it was my sister mangle and Phantom's bb idea. Then I answered  back oh its alright I mean it can't get worse. Then foxy looked at me with a worried  look then said oh um about the pranks some are painful well the ones that freddy do are .then I asked  why do you Phantom's do this . He then said it's there job to mess with  people. So just be aware even if the guards are gone they will find something to  prank I said thanks for the trip before deciding I was going to go in the vents.before the night guard came .I started to wonder if the Phantom's would kill night guards but then I thought about what foxy said they're just here to mess with people. so then I decided that they'll get to work on that. and I will just get to work on scaring the night guard now I retired from the killing all I do is scare the crap out of them. Now trust me it's hilarious to see them run out screaming like girls. Except this one particular Night Guard is not so easy to scare he's more of the fighting type when he smacked me in for crowbar. And it did make me mad and I almost killed them but I didn't because. by the time I was about to kill him guess what happened 6 a.m. hit. And his shift was over I did see him again once but never or hopefully not this time. Because he still might keep that crowbar around and I don't want to near me. After a few hours of being bored he finally arrived the night guard but not the one that I told you about earlier. And this one was different normally all the night guards were purple like I did when I was human cuz I was purple guy but anyway let's not get ahead of ourselves. This time this security guard was wearing blue and black jeans and his name tag also had the word Mike. Then I fought back and said I thought he died years ago. When the old Pizzeria was there or maybe I guess he survived unlike the phone guy who I guess died. so now I'm guessing this will be an easy job or maybe not because of Mike he has been to several pizzerias I'm guessing so I might need to ask foxy to help also the Phantoms.

                                                 FOXYS POV 

 I was walking around the pizzeria doing nothing until I saw springtrap walk towards me. I started to walk towards him. Then we froze he looked at me I looked at him then he finally spoke and said hey foxy I might need your help with the night guard. Then I responded of course Spring what ye be needing. Then he said are you familiar with Mike. I gasp and said wait Mike's herethen springtrap said I will take that as a yes then . Then I jump for joy my best buddy Mike was here. I looked at Spring he had a confused look on his face and said. Foxy you okay I don't know what's going on but you seem to be excited. Then I said oh sorry spring-trap let me tell you about Mike and how I know them he was with us at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. He was the first night got there we played games have fun pizza when chica cooked it. It was awsome when make was here . Then springtrap  looked at me and smiled then said well I know your not going to like this but this is an horror attraction and that means that you and me and your Phantom friends have to scare the night guard. Then I said oh that was one of or games we played it was called catch guard. And we loved to jump-scare Mike . Then he said well nothing happens at this night so you can get some sleep . Then I nodded my head then went to my place to sleep..........

Okay guys I am so so sorry that this chapter is short but I kind of want to do something else right now for my time so I'll be working on the next chapter and I hope you enjoyed this chapter so love you guys very much this also means a lot to me so bye now hope you enjoyed.

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