Chapter 17: The Traitor

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"Okay, so do we have everything we need?" Tails asked, turning to everyone. They all nodded. "Good. Now we have to be careful when we close in on the town. Sonic and Amy might be in the same place as last time" Tails pointed out.

He began walking away but someone yelled. "What was that?!" Tails asked, scared. "Sorry! That was just me! Foot is caught in these branches" Knuckles said, pointing at his foot, which was in some branches. Tails ran towards Knuckles and tried helping him. This was a perfect opportunity... 

Tails got up and walked around the bunch of wood surrounding Knuckles to see if there was any way out. He had suddenly heard a gunshot. He turned his attention to where the shot came from and saw something horrible. He saw Shadow, holding his gun out, smoke escaping the gun. Tails turned to Knuckles, he was laying on the ground, with a gunshot in his chest.

"Shadow! What the fuck!" Silver yelled out at him. "Why did you shoot Knuckles?" Shadow didn't reply. Silver pushed him into a tree and picked him up by the collar. "Answer me goddammit!" Silver yelled at him. Shadow punched Silver in the stomach and Silver released his grip. Silver fell to the ground in pain. shadow kicked him in the stomach and picked him up. He threw Silver on the ground hard. 

He looked at Tails, who was charging at him. Shadow kicked him in the stomach and he fell down. He ran towards Blaze. She tried shooting flames at him, but he was too quick. He kicked her in her shin. She fell down and Shadow kicked her some more. 

He saw Rouge trying to fly away, but he jumped into the air and kicked her down. She hit the ground and Shadow landed on her. Shadow looked at everyone. His expression, well, he had none. 

Just then, a hedgehog came out of the sky. He landed flawlessly and stood next to Shadow. He noticed the dirty work Shadow had made. He noticed, however, that one of them was still conscious. He walked towards Tails and bent down to meet Tails' level. 

He laughed. He then frowned. "I know what you're trying to pull. You will NOT save Sonic and Amy. And let me warn you, if  you ever try ruining my plans, you'll be sorry" a sudden burst of power reached it's way to Avion's hands. Orbs of many colors surrounded his hands. 

"Got me?" he asked Tails. Tails nodded. "Good" Avion said. He pulled Tails up by his hair and made eye contact with him. "I've heard you have an IQ of 300" he held his hand out. "Look. If you volunteer to be the scientist of our plan to take over the world, I promise I won't kill you. My name is Avion" Tails spit his hand then shook Avion's. "I'm not working with you!" 

Avion frowned. "Hm. How sad. You could've actually been useful. It's a shame you won't accept my invitation. Shadow, finish him off" Avion commanded. He gave Shadow a device." When you are done, teleport to Canada" Avion told Shadow. Shadow nodded.

Avion turned to Tails. "Bye. bye" he teleported away. Tails could hear a nasty laugh on Avion's way out. Tails looked up at Shadow. He got up and stumbled a bit. That kick did a lot of damage. 

Shadow had a blank expression the whole time. Tails frowned. "Why are you doing this?"Tails asked, clenching a fist. Shadow finally spoke after a while. "Why should I answer?" Shadow rushed towards Tails and went to punch him. Tails dodge, but just barely. Tails kicked Shadow's back, but it didn't do anything. Shadow looked over his shoulder and punched Tails. Tails stumbled back and fell to the ground. Shadow kicked Tails' face and Tails fell to the ground, his hands covering his face with his hands. Shadow stomped on Tails' stomach and teleported away. Tails lay on the ground, in pain. At least Shadow didn't kill him or any of his friends. He didn't know about Knuckles, though.

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