Chapter 1: Eggman Foiled Again

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Sonic's alarm clock rang. Sonic tried to cover his ears with his pillow, but it didn't work. Sonic's eyes slowly opened. Sonic got up but was still in his bed. He wiped the crust from his eyes away. Sonic slammed his hand against the alarm, irritated. He put on his vibrant, red shoes on. He admired the red stripe and the buckle over it. Sonic walked down the stairs and sat on the table. He looked over at Tails who was making pancakes.

"Food?" Sonic asked, rubbing his hungry stomach. Tails didn't reply. He just put down the pancakes on a plate and smacked it on the table.

"Jeez Tails! What's the problem?" asked Sonic with a mouthful of pancakes. Tails still didn't reply. Sonic stared at Tails. Tails looked at Sonic. Oh! Tails hated that stare. Sonic's emerald green eyes combined with that stare equaled a hypnotized chicken.

"Fine!" Tails said. "I wasn't supposed to tell you now but....... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Tails flung his arms up in the air. Everyone jumped out of their hiding spots and either hugged or congratulated Sonic. 23. His new age. He didn't know why but getting at the age of 23 was a great thing in his group of friends.

 When his friends stopped congratulating him, Sonic looked at the calender. June 23. His birthday. Sonic had forgotten today was his birthday. he had been always messing around with Eggman that he even forgot his own birthday!

"Here's your cake!" Cream said delightedly. Her sweet voice had always made everyone happy. Cream set the cake on the table. Sonic looked at it with pleasure. Cream's cooking was the best! He noticed that there were small chili dogs on the top as decoration. 

"Wow. You guys did this all for me?" Sonic said with a mouthful of cake. Everyone nodded. Sonic swallowed the piece of cake he had had. He got up from his chair. Everyone was confused. Sonic loved to eat! Especially Cream's cooking.

"Sonic, why'd you stop eating?" asked Tails, confused. Sonic looked at Tails. "You know" Sonic began. "I want you guys to eat this delicious cake' Sonic said, sliding the cake over to the other end of the table where the gang stood. It didn't take a baby to find out what happened next. Everyone started to grab the cake. Cream only made food on special occasions and the gang wasn't gonna miss their chance to have a taste.

Sonic laughing his head off. He hadn't seen the gang this obsessed with something since GTA V came out. Sonic started to realize it started getting ugly. Everyone was fighting. Tails flew in the air eating and trolling Knuckles. Shadow started throwing parts of the cake onto Silver. And Rouge tackled Blaze. Sonic grabbed Cream and ran out of the kitchen through the back door.

"I'm sorry about that. Cream. They're just monsters when it comes to your cooking" Sonic said. 

"It's quite all right. Mr. Sonic. I'm actually happy that they love my food that much" Cream replied in her typical innocent little girl voice. Sonic loved that voice. He never knew why, but he did. He had always seen Cream as a sister. Sonic sighed and looked up to the sky.

"HOLY COW! IT"S EGGMAN!" Sonic yelled out, pointing to the sky. Eggman dropped like a rock and pressed a button. A huge mechanical arm flew out of a side of the hovercraft and grabbed Cream. Cream screamed and cried. Sonic got in a battle position. He frowned and pushed his teeth together, hard.

"Let her go Egg head!" Sonic yelled out. Eggman laughed.

"Ho ho ho ho ho ho! You think I'm going down that easily!" Eggman laughed his pants off. Sonic murmured something under his breath and got even madder.Eggman saw how mad Sonic looked. He pressed a button and a gun came out of the front side of the machine. It slowly grew larger and looked to get more powerful. Eggman laughed and laughed. He pressed another button and a laser popped out if the gun. Sonic dodged it. Eggman kept  on shooting and Sonic evaded everyone shot easily. Sonic stopped at the front of the machine. He curled up into a ball and rolled in place. He suddenly launched up into the air and landed a massive hit on Eggman's hovercraft. He left a blue streak behind his path.

"Whoa!" Eggman yelled out. Once Eggman got himself in order, he looked furious. "Fine! You want the little girl! Take her!" Eggman released the hand holding Cream and she fell, screaming so loud it could break glass. Sonic's eyes widened. He quickly caught Cream right in the nick of time. He put Cream's quivering body down. He then turned his attention to Eggman. Now to seal the deal.

Sonic began to run around the hovercraft in circles. Eggman was confused. Suddenly, s huge funnel of wind surrounded Eggman. Eggman's hovercraft slowly rose. Then suddenly, He shot up into the air like a cannonball. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" yelled out Eggman, his voice slowly fading.

Sonic grinned. "Sayonara Egg head!" Sonic said, smiling. He turned his attention to Cream, still quivering with fear. He slowly walked to her. 

"You okay?" Sonic asked, concerned. Cream nodded. Sonic smiled at the little bunny.

"C'mon, lets go back inside, I bet those cavemen are done" Sonic said. Cream giggled as she followed the blue blur. Sonic opened the back door and saw the whole kitchen covered in cake. Sonic tried to cover his laughter. Then, Shadow came along with cake in his eyes and crashed into a wall. He fell on the floor onto more cake. Sonic couldn't take it anymore. He laughed his head off! Everyone turned to Sonic and began to laugh, too. The whole place was filled with laughter. 

" What a great birthday!" Sonic said, still laughing.

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