Chapter 9: No Hope Left

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Amy paced back and forth. She was really worried. "What do we do?!" she asked, flailing her arms in the air. Sonic leaned against the wall. "Don't worry. My friends will come save us" Sonic said. Amy felt a little better, but still felt scared. "What if they don't!" Amy yelled. Sonic stared at her for a while then grinned. "We can trust them" he said. 

Amy sat on the ground. She looked outside the small window and saw a hovercraft. "Is that Eggman?" she asked, pointing at the window. Sonic looked out the window and noticed Eggman. "It is Eggman" he said. "Looks like he brought more prisoners" Sonic assumed. Amy nodded. "You think they can help us escape?" she asked. Sonic looked out the window once more. "If they're Eggman's prisoners, they must be strong". 

"How many prisoners are there?" Amy asked. Sonic shrugged and looked outside once more. There were quite a few. Eggman flew away too fast for Sonic to count all the prisoners. "He's gone. There are quite a few, though. There are probably about 6 or 7 of them" Sonic explained. Amy nodded. "Wait she said. "How many friends do you have in your 'gang'?" she asked Sonic.

"About 6 or 7" Sonic answered. "And if they're Eggman's prisoners, they're either strong and or smart" Amy added. Sonic slowly nodded his head. "And you're friends are pretty strong I assume?" Sonic nodded even slower. "Then they have to be your friends!" she explained. 

Sonic nodded. "No! They're strong and smart! I know they're coming right now to save us!" he denied. Amy face-palmed. "Stop having faith! It's obviously your friends!" she flailed her arms in the air. Sonic slowly descended to the ground, his back against the wall. When he was on the ground, he put both hands on his face. "I'll keep having faith, but I believe you about the prisoner being my friends" Sonic said.

Amy nodded. "Think what you wish". She sat next to Sonic. "What do we do now?" she asked. Sonic shrugged. Suddenly, a small monitor appeared in their cell. It turned on. They were greeted by Doctor Eggman. 

"Why hello, lovebirds" Eggman said. Amy turned red. "We're not lovebirds!" she yelled out. "Of course not" Eggman murmured. "Stop turning red! You're pink enough already!" Eggman declared. "Anyways, Sonic the Hedgehog! I have kidnapped your friends! Now there is no way you can escape! Haha! You may be wondering why I have all these robot parts and such. Well, to answer that question, I plan on taking over the world. And nobody can stop me now that you and your friends are imprisoned! Not even the military! I must be going now. Goodbye old friends" an evil grin placed itself on Eggman's face. The monitor turned off and went away.

"You were right" Sonic told Amy. She nodded. "We need to escape this place!" she declared. Sonic agreed. He nodded. Amy thought long and hard. "I got it!" she finally said. She whispered her plan to Sonic. He smiled. "Lets do this!" he said.

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