Chapter 76 - To A Melody of Light

Start from the beginning

Olivia pressed one palm into the other. "I wasn't too sure if you were mad at me or something to begin with. For not telling you about the Adande thing too. I swear I just kind of forgot with everything else going on."

"I can understand why you may not have thought I was a top priority to inform," said Jason. "But I promise that any important information you give me will be passed along to Cryo in an efficient manner."

"Gotcha. I'll keep that in mind next time the crimson-haired terror decides to pop into my life."

Jason nodded, his face still a little tighter than usual. His hair was still back in the ponytail, now secured with the green hair ties she'd given him. It was kind of funny seeing how his ponytail-tying ability had improved over the last few days. They were gradually getting neater, and Olivia had caught more than a few people stealing glances at him as he walked by.

"Hey, Jase?"

The tip of his tongue darted out to wet his lips before he spoke. "Yes, Olivia?"

One side of her mouth lifted up. "Thanks for caring."

His gaze flicked to her and he gave her one, small nod in return before going back to his Liaiser screen. Olivia pulled her attention back to her own Liaiser, but she found it hard to focus on anything for a second as her stomach did a little flip.

She shook her head. Pay attention. You have a job here.

She sat down beside him with her back against the wall, failing to distract herself with the Liaiser and instead decided to just keep a lookout for Stefan. The Flamepillar guard was still standing not too far away, watching her like he knew she was about to try and barge her way in there. Their gazes met more than once, and every time, Olivia made sure she was not the first one to look away.

Stefan's definition of 'shortly' turned out to be a little longer than Olivia had anticipated, but shortly after that 'shortly' had passed, he arrived. Olivia jumped to her feet and ran over to him, pushing her Liaiser back into her bag beside Viri's glowing violet eyes.

"I was delayed a little more than anticipated, my apologies," said Stefan. He cleared his throat and gave her a conspiratorial smile. "Shall we see if this works?"

"I am literally dying over here to find out," said Olivia, making a sweeping gesture towards the guards. "After you."

Stefan took the lead and approached the guards. The Flamepillar guard had already been standing as straight as humanly possible, but his partner straightened up and placed a loose hand on the hilt of his weapon.

"Shadowheart," said the Flamepillar guard, the edges of his mouth turned downwards. "I believe we've--"

"I am Stefan Frostcaller," said Stefan. His voice was even and friendly, but there was a steel to it that instantly claimed control of the conversation. "I am here to see Ella Spiritcaller on behalf of the Luminaries."

"I'm sorry," said Flamepillar. "As I've made clear to miss Shadowheart, the Luminaries will have to come themselves if they require someone to speak with Ella."

"Ah, but unlike miss Shadowheart, I have a short message for you," said Stefan. He paused, just long enough for Flamepillar to open his mouth in reply. "When Fury is Poisoned, the Pillar of the Stars will tremble."

Olivia suddenly wasn't so sure that Stefan had simply made up the whole code word thing and thrown together a bunch of Luminary-related words, but to her surprise, the guards glanced at eachother and hesitated.

Flamepillar grimaced. "Stay here."

Olivia held her tongue as Flamepillar disappeared into the passage below. She resisted the urge to ask Stefan about the code. She just stood there, waiting, pressing her fingers into her palm until Flamepillar reappeared with another guard a few minutes later.

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