She took the paper and read it slowly and carefully as her expression began to look hard.

"You can't let Jay know about this. Not even a word towards her you got it?"

I raised both of my eyebrows in surprise. I haven't seen her like this, it made her look.. A bit scary..

"Tell me what?"

Our attention turned to look at Jay who was carrying a child in her arms.. I've actually thought of our future, wondering if we'd ever pass our lifetime to have our own family to take care of..

"It's just about the chores. Sophia will and your friend, Emma will help clean instead. I thought you'd want to rest instead." She said as Jay focused on her.

'She's seeing if she's lying..' I thought as she nodded. I guess she found no lies into that. Or the Luna just probably had a trick up her sleeves..

"Well, I have to take care of Angel. It seems like she's sick and I'm just gonna eat with her and then we'll both rest." With that, she just went into the kitchen. She didn't even look at me..

"Luna, if you'll excuse me." I smiled as she nodded, dismissing me.

I entered the kitchen to see Angel and Jay already eating spaghetti, the one I made just last night.

"Enjoying the food?" I chuckled.

"Yeah! It's the best spaghetti I've ever tasted!" Angel yelled and stuffed her face again.

"Yeah, I mean this is actually good. Did Sophia make this??" Jay muffled with spaghetti still in her mouth, but she covers her mouth as she spoke.

"No, I cooked it just last night." I said as I sat next to her.

"This is really good. I didn't know you cooked?" She said as she smiled at me.

"Surprise!" I laughed and so did they.

I went closer to Jay as I pecked her in the cheek. She secretly gave a smile, trying to hide from me with her hair, but I could already see it. She ended up picking some spaghetti with her fork as it twirled around that got a chunk of it as she raised it up in front of my face.

"Here, eat with us? We can share my food." She said as she waited for me to eat it and I did.

I ate with them for a little while as little Angel always laughed at us. She was a very curious girl, like Jay. They seemed very close, even from the that day they saw each other.

"Did you two also meet each other at the foster home with Emma and the rest?" I questioned as I drank water.

They nodded, "yeah! I was told she was the one who took care of me all the time! Like ALL THE TIME." Angel started it off and laughed.

"Yup. She was a very quiet baby, her first words ended up being 'pig' because she'd always hear me call Levi a pig every time because at night, him and the rest would train and he'd always be filled with dirt. It was funny." They laughed as Angel nodded.

"Yeah! I was told that! But was it true that I always called you mommy?" She questioned silently as Jay looked at me with a small smile.

My Huntress Mate [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now