Not an actuall chapter #PROBLEMS

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Hi guys it me Jennifer again. Huff...well first off I am RREEEAAAALLLLYY SUUUPPPPERRR DUUUPPPER SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T UPDATED FOR LIKE ALMOST A WHOLE MONTH SHAME ON MYSELF🤦🏽‍♀️😔😣😖😞😤 but here's the thing....number one is of course school and volunteering. Now on to the real problem. Sooo I'm gonna confess something.....yes I do have a bf and he is SUPER NICE AND CARING BLESS ME....but the thing is that..well idk if we're still a thing or not. So I have this friend and I think she has a crush on my bf and I'm starting to think he might like her too. Now I'm not the jealous type so I'm not jealous. Just confused because idk what to do. I mean they have all of their classes together do idk what they do. Also I see how they act around each other and they act goofy-ish which me and him sometimes act but not much. So I'm starting to have doubts that this might might not end well. Next thing is that my friends that I hang out are getting smacked talked by my other friends and they're saying that my friends are talking fucking shit about them. So now I'm in the middle of everything and I don't want to. But I mostly believe my friends that I hang out with. Finally, of my best friends is moving to Seattle Washington next month and I'm like SUPER SAD RIGHT NOW😱😭😭😞😖😢🥀🥀🥀I mean first my bff, then my other best friend that moved to Ohio, AND NOW HER!! LIKE ITS SOO UNFAIR. I wish things could go back to the way they were back then😞😔 Anyways that's all I have to say for right now. I am working on next part but it's coming out ya. I hope you guys are having a wonderful better day or night and thnx if you read this. Hopefully things turn out well. Welp until next time....🥀🥀🥀Jennifer..out🥀🥀😞😔🥀🥀🥀

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