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"Lizzie come on let's go"! Echoing through the tunnel.
"I'm coming Ari, jeez ... just because your 14 days older doesn't mean you own me. And fyi I'm your best friend so you can't boss me around", Lizzie says as she walks to Ariana out of the tunnel.
"Well I need to protect you and make sure I don't lose you, because God knows I would die if I lost my best friend like I lost my family"
"I know Ariana, I understand the pain of losing a family ... but we can't let that slow us down" *tear runs down Lizzie's cheek*
"You're right ... let's go hunting"

It's been almost a year since the assassination of our families, some of the humans hated us back in the human colony. They hated how we lived, how we ate, they practically called us animals because we would hunt, climb trees, focus on the littlest of things instead of our survival. But honestly the main reason we got on most of the people's nerves were because we wouldn't socialize with anyone else besides each other, signing things back and forth. Lizzie helped me to learn sign language in order to communicate with my sister who got in an accident and became mute. Lizzie practically knew sign her whole life because both of her sisters we born deaf.
But that was just the beginning of a hard life for both of us, we never thought we would end up living near woods in a tunnel for the rest of our lives. Being forced to hunt, bathe in lakes, or going to abandoned stores every year and stealing clothes that can help us last. As Annie would say from my sister's favorite movie, "It's a hard knock life".

*2 hours later*

"Ari ... Did ... you catch ... anything", Lizzie says while out of breath from running.
"No, I tried to catch a deer with my arrow but it ran away too fast ... then I tried throwing my bow at a bird but I missed"
"Your too tense to hunt tonight"
"What does tension have to do with my hunting skills exactly?" *giving a confused look*
"Ariana Marie Davis everyone knows when you get frustrated or tense you can't focus!" *glaring at Ari* "Now let's just go back to our tunnel"
"Fine! ... Lizzie Renee Green! See you're not the only one who can call out someone's full name"
Lizzie shakes her head as Ari laughs at herself. Then Lizzie notices that Ari hasn't stopped holding onto her locket the whole walk back to their tunnel.
"Ari ... I know how much you miss you family but you can't..."
"OH MY GOD!" Ari shouts and runs to the tunnel, followed by Lizzie.
"Ari, calm down it was probably a bear, we've both said we need to look for another living space. Don't work yourself up okay it's going to be okay"
Ari begins to cry and panic to the point we're she couldn't breathe.
"Ari, Ari breathe *Lizzie kneeling down next too Ari* breathe, it okay well go look for another space tomorrow. It's okay I need you to count for me, one to ten okay *Ari still gasping and becoming flushed* One .... Two ... Ari I need you to breathe and count"
"THHH ... THHH ... THHHREEE ... FFFF ... FFFOOUR ... FFIVE ... SIX ... SEVEN, EIGHT ... NINE *lets out a big breath* TEN!"
"Good Ari, good. You did better this time, okay now lie down and let's get some rest okay. Relax I'm here for you Ari, like how your there for me when I have my own moments"

Ever since the loss of their families, Ari has lived with panic while .... Lizzie lives with anger...

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