Dating Brian Johnson would include...

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~ His parents absolutely loving you

~ Your parents thinking he's really sweet but kind of dorky

~ Overall they're happy with your relationship and trust him

~ Having dinner with him and his parents very often

~ Him cooking you his spaghetti for a date

~ Him being terrible at cooking anything else

~ Baking sweets together

~ Study dates

~ Actually studying the entire time

~ Lots of hugs

~ Neither of you being afraid to tell the other anything and everything

~ Him sometimes being nervous because he's never been in a relationship before

~ Going on dates to an arcade to play games

~ Lots of kisses on the cheek

~ Your friends picking on you for dating a nerd

~ Other students teasing Brian because you're way out of his league

~ One day you finally put everybody in their place and they never speak badly about your relationship again

~ Telling him cheesy pick up lines just to see him blush

~ Him doing anything he has to just to make you laugh

~ Being one of the most genuinely happiest couples in school

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