When they get jealous

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Brian: He doesn't get jealous very easily, but when he does he'll start getting extremely clingy. He always tries to hold your hand or stay very close to you.

Claire: When Claire gets jealous, it's totally obvious. She gets a bad attitude towards everybody except you. She'll tug your arm around her shoulders and press kisses to your cheeks and jaw.

Bender: Bender likes to make it very clear that you're his and his only. If he catches anybody looking at you he'll shoot them a glare or tell them off. He'll always sling an arm around your shoulders and give you a fiery kiss.

Andy: Like Bender, he doesn't like for anybody else to try and make a move on you. He'll wrap an arm around your waist and pull you close to him, while his other hand goes to rest on your thigh. He'll lean in and whisper cheesy pick up lines in your ear just to make you laugh.

Allison: When Allison gets jealous, she doesn't really know how to act. You can always tell when she is. She'll get really quiet and start to isolate herself. It's like she's scared of someone else getting your attention. You've never confronted her about it, but you always knew. You would always grab her hand and give her a soft smile, making sure all of your attention was on her.

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