First Date

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Brian: You and Brian went to the movies on Saturday night. You met there at 7 pm and the movie started half an hour later. The two of you enjoyed the movie and spent another half an hour hanging out there and talking. His parents gave you a ride home.

Claire: Her father picked you up and dropped the two of you off at one of the fanciest restaurants in town. The two of you ate and then danced together for another hour. You told her that the next date was on you.

Bender: Bender had told you that your date would be a surprise. He had picked up some burgers and milkshakes from your favorite fast food place and took you to the park to eat there. The two of you sat in the shade against a tree while you ate. Afterwards, you walked around talking about anything and everything.

Andy: Andy picked you up and took you out to your favorite restaurant. The two of you ate and had a good time there. You left there and went to play mini golf. You totally kicked his butt and you guys joked around and laughed the whole time. The night went perfectly and he drove you home.

Allison: You went over to Allisons house and hung out with her for a few hours. The two of you walked down the road to her favorite diner. You had never ate there but she talked about it all the time. The diner quickly became one of your favorite places to eat. After you left, the two of you walked around her neighborhood for another hour before you had to go home.

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