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Brian: Brian isn't too big on pda. You always have to grab his hand first, but he doesn't object. Before you leave, he always gives you a big hug and quick kiss on the cheek.

Claire: The two of you are always holding hands. If you aren't, it's because your arm is draped around her shoulders or hers around yours. You two are always sharing kisses on the lips, not caring what any other person thinks.

Bender: Bender isn't big on pda either, but he likes for everyone to know that you are his. He always keeps his arm around your shoulders, no matter if you are walking somewhere or just sitting. He likes to keep you close to him.

Andy: Andy loves pda. He just loves affection either way. He always grabs your hand first, occasionally giving your knuckles a kiss. Before saying goodbye, he'll always wrap you in his arms and give you a sweet kiss.

Allison: She isn't exactly sure about pda. Believe it or not, she loves affection, when it's just the two of you. In public, you will always have your arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. You always give her a kiss on the forehead, smiling when she blushes a little.

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