The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Thirteen

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Chap 13 The Stupid Inevitable

"Why do people say "It's always in the last place you look"? Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it?"

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I was having difficulty coming up with a reason why my best friend was here, after having kicked down a door....

Throwing caution to the wind, I rushed to where Alex still had Bry pinned to the floor and grabbed hold of his arm. I probably shouldn't have since he looked pretty pissed, but I'd be lying if I said I cared.

"Let him up!" I yelled anxiously, afraid he would hurt Bryant. Had he come to save me? How the hell could he have possibly known where I was? My family would've told him that I was fine and dandy with a friend. Not that I thought Bry would buy that for a second, but how on earth was he here right now? Did he have any clue that he was dealing with a werewolf that could kill him?!

Alex turned to me, his eyes questioning but he reluctantly let go of Bry who jumped up and scowled at him. When his eyes turned back to me, they softened and I jumped in his arms, ignoring Alex's growls.

"Are you hurt, Ve?" Bry immediately asked me, pulling back to check me over quickly, before stepping up and facing Alex, who's eyes were turning darker. Despite that, I didn't feel scared for myself. No, I was scared for my best friend who was trying to protect me.

I tried to speak but stopped when Bry growled over my head at Alex. My eyes bugged out of my head. Was that what my delusional mind thought it was? Again I was interrupted before I could open my mouth-this time by Alex.

"Get away from her," he said, his voice deadly, but I was desperately trying not to throw something at the both of them. Completely ignoring their ridiculous ego fight, I pushed Bry away from me. Caught off guard, he let go and stumbled over his feet.

Turning back to me, he gave me a worried look. "What's wrong?" He tried reaching out a hand towards me, but I didn't answer him.

I frowned at my best friend who I had always been completely honest with. I had always believed he had offered me the same courtesy. Apparently, that was not the case.

Gritting my teeth, I stalked up to him. "Is there something you want to tell me, Bryant?" I asked icily. He winced at his full name. Maybe I was overreacting, but that didn't change anything. How could he keep the biggest secret in the world from me when he knew every goddamn thing about me? If you couldn't trust your own best friend to tell you the truth, who the hell could you?

He sighed, running his hands through his brown hair. "I'm sorry, Ve," he said sadly. "I wish I could've told you what I was, I swear I do, but I couldn't! Not without you getting hurt," he pleaded. "You've gotta believe me. Every minute since I met you, I wished I could tell you."

I wanted so badly to be mad at him, but he was my best friend. Damn it if I didn't have a soft spot for him. Even if he had kept the fact that he was a werewolf to himself all those years, I couldn't bring myself to doubt that he was telling the truth and that he truly couldn't tell me. I couldn't bring myself to be furious with him. Instead, I was just tired and missed my best friend, the stupid hoe that was more my other half than anything else.

Seeing the fight leave my eyes, Bry tackled me in a hug and I squeezed him back. "You should've told me, asshole," I scolded him halfheartedly.

He smiled widely down at me. "Believe me when I say I couldn't, even if it was the one thing I've wanted to do."

Sighing, I let him go and turned to Alex who was just watching us silently. Glancing at Bry with a warning in my eyes, I walked up to Alex. His normally blue orbs were on the edge of a stormy black. He was shaking, eyes not straying from Bry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2012 ⏰

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