The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Eight

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Chap 8 The Stupid Inevitable

"Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?"

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The beautiful animal was in front of one of the open, large glass doors in our library that led out to a large French-style balcony, which was currently streaming in constant, blindingly bright flashes of golden sunlight. The beams of light hit the wolf's fur, highlighting it to a light honey-gold color. It had stark, blue eyes, which I could see even from the distance between it and me.

It was scary and somewhat creepy if I was being honest. Something in me told me that I knew him, this wolf. It was like recognition, but that was just crazy. What the hell? How was that even possible? I didn't come face to face with, let alone know, any wolves! But it seemed so familiar... Something told me I should recognize him. I knew next to nothing about the nature of wolves, but I knew enough to tell that this was beyond uncanny. He was huge. He looked three times as big as a normal wolf, and would probably almost reach my shoulder if he was beside me. Should any regular wolves even be able to get that big?

Inwardly, I sighed. Great, I was probably going to be killed by this utterly gigantic wolf that had somehow ended up in our library, apparently through our balcony doors which were on the second floor of our house, and it would all be Tristan's fault. That stupid idiot. He had better feel sorry for taking my laptop from me when he and the rest of my family found my torn up remains in here.

I actually shivered at that last, gruesome thought. Okay... when exactly had I become so sick? Oh wait, I knew the answer to that! It happened when I started having those awfully annoying changes in the middle of the night and kept losing my precious sleep.

Great; my sugar high was all gone. Now I just felt a little worn out. And sort of sick.

My eyes stayed locked on the gorgeous wolf and even though I knew it was probably absurd, I still felt as though it was calculating me. Either I was still sleeping and this was all a dream, or I really was insane and if I survived this, I ought to be locked up in a loony shack.

I couldn't really move or yell for help, and I just watched, mesmerized, as the wolf strode closer. It was crouched low, its tail swishing softly, the tip trailing along the floor. Why wasn't I running away or screaming for my family? There was a huge wolf in the room for god's sake!

It stopped a few feet away from me and then suddenly turned away. Was it going to leave? That didn't seem likely though. I watched the wolf warily as he glanced back at me before it did something that, if I was a normal person, should have made me faint. Or pinch myself.

The wolf raised its head up and started to tremble slightly. It was like it was vibrating. I wanted to move closer and get a better look, but I didn't move from the spot. Either way, I couldn't look away and just watched as the wolf's limbs lengthened and golden patches of fur quickly disappeared. The wolf was replaced quickly by a person. A toned guy to be specific. Oh, and there's also the fact that he was completely butt naked. But shit was he hot! My mouth started to water and my heart thumped painfully just looking at him. Trying to put my scrambled brain together, my eyes widened when I realized something.

"Holy shit!" I yelped, squeezing my eyes and spinning around so I wasn't facing the guy. Okay what the fuck just happened?

I heard a low chuckle behind me. Oh okay. So I really was dreaming then. No way did I just come in here, find a wolf, and witness said wolf turn into a hot guy. Especially not one with such a scrumptious ass!

I felt my face blush profusely and put my naturally cooler-than-the-rest-of-my-body hands to my cheeks, trying to calm my burning face. Great. I bet I looked so great right now - you know, what with my face turning the same color as my hair.

"You can turn around now you know," an amused and slightly irritated voice said behind me after there was some shuffling. By god did he have a sexy voice! How on earth had I managed to dream this guy up anyway? But, if this was a dream - which it must have been - why was I feeling so embarrassed? He wasn't real!

I heard him heave an annoyed sigh behind me and footsteps approached me.

"Do you have to be so difficult?" the man muttered, taking my shoulders and spinning me around quickly. My eyeballs almost popped out of my skull. Crap. He was so hot, he looked almost edible!

His dark blue eyes softened slightly, and he seemed apologetic when he looked me right in the eye.

The last thing I heard before dropping into an abrupt sleep was his soft breathing and his words: "I'll let you throw a punch at me when you wake up for having to do this."

My eyes shut and I’d be lying if I said I could be bothered to open them again right then.

His eyes held a light twinkle in them and even though this stranger was in my house and I had just witnessed his turn from a wolf into a person, I couldn't be scared of him. Maybe I ought to see a doctor about that...


I know it's short. ANOTHER PICTURE OF AVERY TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE! ---------> Vote and comment and you will get a longer update AND more frequent updates which is madness because I'm updating in less than 3 days every time! Byee. And dudes, it's a little BUTTON that takes less than half a second to push. So press it and then go on with your business because it gives me encouragement people to actually write more of THIS book.

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