The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Nine

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Because she threatened me to upload and I don't wanna die so I thought at least she deserves this chapter. Tell me what you think!

Chap 9 The Stupid Inevitable

“I discovered I scream the same way whether I'm about to be devoured by a great white shark or if a piece of seaweed touches my foot."

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When I came to, I realized that I was lying down on something really soft. I'd say it rivaled the softness of that of a marshmallow. The sheets smelled great, kind of citrusy but at the same time there were hints of a pine-like scent and something else. Mmmm. My eyes shot open at that.

I sat up abruptly, and it just succeeded in making me a little nauseous. Sure, my bed at home was comfortable, but my sheets and pillow couldn't be this damn soft! Or smell THIS damn good for that matter. My bed always smelled like sour apples, like me. It never had a masculine feel to it. Glancing around, I came to the realization that I was not, in fact, in my room or anywhere else in my house for that matter.

The room I was in was large but not overly so. It was spacious and neat, but it had this undeniably masculine air to it.

Pushing off the warm covers that had been placed over me, I jumped out of the bed. I warily recalled the delicious looking man from what I had thought was a dream. Guess not if I was here. Which brought me around to asking myself: why was I here? And what the fuck was up with that wolf? I was absolutely certain that there was no way in hell that werewolves could exist. It was just gibberish that people obsessed about because of their no-life status. Werewolves belonged in Twilight, not in real life.

"Finally, you're up," a guy's voice said from the doorway, scaring the living daylights out of me. I whipped myself around and couldn't help but stare at the blonde in front of me. Now that he actually had clothes on, I could look at him without dying of having too much blood all in one place - in my cheeks.

He was built, but it wasn't like he was one of those bodybuilders who ate muscle for every meal of the day. It was more like he worked out, but not in a gym. It looked more as though it was his natural physique. He also had a natural tan and the hottest eyes! Heck, those blue eyes were ones that girls would kill for, and by god was he hot! His hair fell over his eyes a bit and he brushed it away in slight irritation. His eyes were still the same stark blue color that had my blood boiling. Why did I feel like I should recognize him?

Avery, you're so thickheaded sometimes.

I physically scowled, both at the man who I assumed had abducted me, and at the voice in my head. They were both being asses right now and it was totally uncalled for!

When I eventually remembered that this guy was all but a complete stranger, I stood up taller and inched further away from where the man stood against the doorway.

"Who are you?" I demanded. I watched as he gave me a really sexy - I MEAN HIDEOUS AND VILE! - smirk before answering my question.

"My name is Alex Redd. And you are Avery Matthews," he stated simply. Oh thanks for that sir. I don’t know what my own goddamn name is, so just go ahead and remind me of it. Actually, I was pretty surprised he knew who I was. But then again, wasn't it kind of a given since he had kidnapped me?

"Right. And would you mind telling me what the hell I'm doing here? And where is here exactly?" I asked, annoyed. I didn't like him at all. Sure he was as fine as velvet, but I didn't know who he was! What if he was an ax murderer or something of the sort? Seriously, was I supposed to get along with him and be a friendly person? Nuh-uh; it wasn't in my job description as of right now to be best buds with my kidnapper.

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