The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Eleven

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Chap 11 The Stupid Inevitable

"The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory."

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Dalton's smile returned full force. I chuckled at the look on his face which could very well rival that of a small kid's expression on Christmas morning. I shook my head at him.

"Come on, let's go before-" I got cut off by none other than Mr. I Know Everything. There was a second that I took to wonder if it was his job to irritate me, or if he just took pleasure in it.

"I'm coming with you," Alex said, his tone holding so much finality that Dalton didn't say anything, but kept up a small grin on his face. I on the other hand felt a surge of defiance pulse through me. Who the hell did he think he was, talking to me like that?

I turned around and scowled at him, refusing to break eye contact even when his dark blue orbs started to unnerve me. "And why the hell is that?" I asked bluntly. Well, there was no reason to beat around the bush. He was annoying the crap out of me right now. What was his problem? I was actually having fun with Dalton, but he just had to up and ruin my good mood. Stupid asshole of a werewolf.

"Because I'm Alpha and I don't plan on taking the chance of you running away from the pack," Alex said, trying to stare me down. It wasn't working unless his purpose was to make me even angrier. I gritted my teeth together, and I saw Alex glance down at my mouth before snapping his gaze back up to mine. I felt my jaw twitch from the strain I was putting on it. Well, I guess he could hear that too, then.

Did he seriously think I would be retarded enough to make a run for it when I was in a forest in the middle of god knows where, in my freaking pajamas? Especially when I was surrounded by god knows how many werewolves? Okay sure, I could be really reckless from time to time, but I was far from being utterly stupid. I was about to explode, I could tell. Thankfully, Dalton stopped me. He tugged on my arm and pulled me around to face him. I heard Alex growl at him, or maybe it was directed at me, but I ignored him. I would have flipped him off, but I figured that would make me angrier and he probably wouldn't even be affected anyway. The stupid, sexy ass wipe could just go die in a fucking hole.

My heart jumped when I realized I had called him sexy. Damn his good looks. He was an asshole but a hot one at that, even I had to admit. I could keep it to myself though. No need to inflate Alex's ego any more than it already was.

Dalton leaned down and stared at me in the eyes, with a question in his eyes. He looked worried. "Don't worry about it Red. Come on," he said, his face recovering his grin. "Let's go to the lake."

I frowned at Dalton. "You guys have a lake?" I asked him incredulously. Damn, what didn't they have then? I was in a freaking mansion in a forest in Vermont and they had a lake too! Maybe I could go swimming.

I grinned up at Dalton. "Okay!" I laughed, my excitement revived. "Can we go now?"

Dalton laughed and smiled with me. "Yeah, let's go. Are you going to change first, though? You'll catch a cold if you go in that," he said, gesturing down to my purple tank top, green shorts, and fuzzy socks. I just stared at him. Didn't he realize Alex had kidnapped me? Why on earth would I have any other clothes with me?

Seeing my face, Dalton straightened up and frowned at something behind me. Turning around once again, I realized it was Alex. I glanced between the two.

After maybe a minute, Alex sighed and rolled his eyes, flicking his eyes towards me before staring at Dalton again. He shrugged, for a reason unknown to me. "It must've slipped my mind," he said indifferently.

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