The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Twelve

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Picture of Danny on the side. Such an adorable puppy! ------>

Chap 12  The Stupid Inevitable

"Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak."

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Alex's POV

Four thousand, two hundred sixty-seven sheep. Four thousand, two hundred sixty-eight sheep... Crap. No way in hell was this working.

It was absolutely ridiculous. Sure, she was my mate and I felt the undeniable urge to protect her and be with her, but this not being able to sleep thing was driving me to the point of insanity! It had been almost five hours since she went to bed and here I was, still lying in my room across the hall from her and all I could do was wish for the chance to be beside her again, in her room, in her bed, holding her in my arms and knowing without a doubt that she would be completely safe and that no harm could come to her. Her smell, swirling around in my head was killing me. It was dizzying. I was lightheaded and the only thing keeping me here in my room were my hands, which refused to let up on the death grip I had on the headboard behind me. My eyes were drooping but they refused to close all the way and let me sleep. My hair was flopping into my eyes and irritating the crap out of me, but I didn't bother doing anything about it.

If you said I followed Avery around like a lost puppy all day long, you wouldn't very far off.  But honestly, I couldn't help it. She was such an active girl that even I had a hard enough time keeping up with her. I didn't want anything to happen to her and even though I didn't think any of my pack mates were stupid enough to harm Avery, I couldn't help being worried about her. And that stupid dog!

Was it wrong that I was jealous of the puppy in her room? I hated that he got so much attention from her. Damn, all I wanted was to grab Danny and throw him out the window, but I knew how attached she already was to him, so I couldn't bring myself to do anything to bring down her mood again. At least she was happy, seeing the estate and our woods, and getting help for the stupid puppy we had found.

Seeing her smile made me feel... I don't even know, but it was so great to see that she was getting used to the idea of being here. She hadn't had that completely glazed over look in her eyes when she obviously thought about her family too often after seeing the woods. I could see that they meant the world to her, but I couldn't ignore the Council's orders. The fact that she was my mate made me wonder if the Elders could have possibly known what she was to me, and if that was exactly why they had specifically asked me to find and protect her. But why?

Avery was getting along with most of the pack, but I noticed so many guys pining after her attention, even though she didn't notice any of them, that I swear I nearly exploded. I couldn't blame them since most of them didn't know it, but she was my mate! I'd damn well strangle anyone who thought of touching her inappropriately. I only met my mate yesterday, and I was already possessive of her. I had been so freaking proud of her when she had delivered Wes's ass to him that I had just barely managed to control the urge to rub it in their faces that my mate had beaten them. Now that I'd found her, I couldn't even bear to be away from her, even if her room was directly across from mine.

All I could hear was her heartbeat, her even breathing and the soft sighs she let out when she occasionally shifted in her bed, drumming through my ears and keeping me thoroughly occupied. I could tell she was having trouble staying asleep, but I wasn't sure if there was anything I could do to help her.

'Alex, she misses her family.' I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard the soft words my Beta sent to me.

'Cade, you surprised me!' I sighed, flushing when I realized that my brother would have heard every single one of my thoughts about my mate if he had been listening. I hadn't remembered to put my guard up.

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