The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Four

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Chap 4

"To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target."


Figuring I might as well make the best of my state of being awake, I walked over to my dresser and opened up a drawer, grabbing a clean pair of everything: underwear, a dark purple tank top, and a green pair of shorts.

I actually had my own bathroom as an ensuite to my bedroom, and it was at times like this that I was glad for it. Walking in, I shut the door behind me, throwing everything into pitch black. Only when the door was tightly closed did I feel around for the light switch. When it came on, I shut my eyes reflexively because of the bright light. I took a good look at myself in the mirror.

The girl staring back didn't look like me at all. Except... ironically, in every way, she did. The same gray eyes except very red and tired right now, and the same straight red hair were there. But her face looked lost. My face. Cam hadn't been lying about the bags under my eyes. They were there all right and only succeeded in standing out even more against my absurdly pale skin that refused to tan.

Leaning my head against the cool mirror and blowing out in sleep deprivation, I watched as my breath fogged it up and then as the mist briskly disappeared soon after.

Closing my eyes, I almost fell asleep right there before jolting up when I realized I was all but sleeping on my feet.

I sighed again in frustration, pulling the hair tie away and letting all my hair out of its confines. It really was becoming a habit, now that I thought about it. I'd been stressing and losing sleep a LOT. It probably wasn't helping the situation any to continuously sigh. I was starting to feel quite lightheaded right now. It was all really aggravating, though.

I needed a bath. A warm, bubbly, sweet-smelling bath. I just hoped I wouldn't fall asleep and drown in the giant bathtub while I was at it. It wasn't overly fancy, because I hated things like that, but my parents were loaded, so it was kind of a given that even my bathroom was well furnished. I had everything in light colors of green and purple.

Walking over to a cupboard, I pulled out my favorite green apple scented set of bath salts and all the other stuff that made me feel all fuzzy and sleepy. Blinking open my eyes, I whined for sleep in my head. I refused to stay up training like the nights before! I would take a bath, then go to sleep and damn well enjoy it, at least for tonight. Stupid changes! They were really getting on my nerves. And so were my scummy brothers for that matter.

Why did they feel they needed to cheat for my benefit?! It was beyond ridiculous, and not to mention, I felt like stabbing them for doing it. No matter their intentions, it was still wrong and only made me feel pathetic, like I was some silly girl who needed protecting from the world. Did they really not trust that I could take care of myself?

Pushing the bothering thoughts out of my mind, I placed my clothes down and took my bath stuff over to the tub. I turned the taps, putting a hand under the running water and checked to see that it was the right temperature. When the water reached a suitable height, I took the bath salts and dumped in an amount that would make a normal person's head spin. I deserved the amazing smell and feeling they brought.

Mmmm, maybe the people who said you could get high off of bath salts were right. Not that I can say I minded without being a complete liar.

The smell was immediate and so was the reaction it caused in me. I automatically relaxed, breathing deeply. Stripping out of the rest of my clothes and throwing them to the side in a pile, I shivered. Without waiting a second longer, I slid into the tub. It was unbelievably warm and sweet smelling, like sour candy kind of.

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