The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Ten

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 Because I'm so G like that! No JJ, but Michelle, you always make me want to write, so I'd take my hat off to you... You know, if I was wearing a hat... :p I hope you likey likey this chapter. You have been driving me nuts, trying to get it done on time. :) So I did!

 Chap 10 The Stupid Inevitable

 "I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places."

 ________<>_________<>_______<> •_•_________

 For some reason, I felt the absurd need to, so I conceded and held my breath. When they finally walked through the doorway, I felt their assessing eyes take in my slouching form in the armchair. I was still wearing my pajamas from whenever the hell was the last time I had been at home, and I wouldn't be surprised if my hair looked like something was living in it. A lively male voice made me reluctantly glance up at the newcomers. 

 "Hey Alex, this her?" A tall, brown-haired boy who looked to be around my age asked the question. Looking at him, I noticed that he practically oozed cheeriness. He had a nice smile, his eyes were large and a light brown color. He looked like an absurdly tall little kid actually. I automatically took a liking to him. Even if he was a werewolf, at least he looked friendly. Friendly enough.

Now that I knew they actually existed, unless I was hallucinating and this whole thing was my brain getting revenge, I noticed small things in his stance that gave away what he really was. There was the way that he stood, in a slightly predatory way, and even though he looked relaxed, there were still movements that his ears pricked up on and took note of. I turned to Alex - the question was directed to him so he was the one who answered. 

 "Yes, this is Avery and as long as she is with us, she is not to be harmed in anyway. Her scent is different, so the thing is, she may not be completely human, but it's the council that wants to talk to her." He glanced at me when he said that and I felt my temper rise. Maybe if he got mad, I could truthfully say 'his hackles rose.' Oh ho ho! How ironic would that be?

What the hell was he even blabbing on about? What the fuck was I rambling on about? Of course I was human! I tried the thing the main character always does in books: I tried to glare holes into the back of his head as he turned back to the group of people. Except, to my utter disappointment he didn't even acknowledge my scowl. 

 Turns out I was one person off in my guess; there were seven werewolves there: four guys and three girls. They were staring at me with a somewhat mild air of interest and it made me feel a little awkward. I felt like I was an object on display. Jumping out of the ridiculously comfy armchair I stood up so I could more easily anticipate if they were going to try and do something. I shuffled my feet and stared down at my purple socks. What the heck? Oh! That's right - I never did get a chance to change. Stupid Alex had brought me here before I could do anything at all.

"Avery, these are some of the pack," Alex said, motioning me forward with a tilt of his head. I gritted my teeth. I'd be damned if I would follow his orders like a freaking dog. Oh, there I went with the irony again. The way my name rolled off his tongue, made me feel tingly. Jeez, my hormones must really be out of whack. This guy was my kidnapper! I mentally told myself off. 

 He continued on, oblivious to my inner argument. "These are Fallon, Sera, and Laurel," he said, gesturing to each of the three blonde girls who looked like they were sizing me up for something. 

 Fallon was taller than the other two, with dark brown eyes and she had a scowl pasted on her face. They were all really pretty and if I got jealous easily - or at all for that matter - I sure would be right then. For some reason unknown to me, she pointedly avoided my gaze. 

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