The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Six

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Chap 6 The Stupid Inevitable

"Smile... it confuses people..."
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"Fucking prick! Get back here Tristan! Give me my bloody laptop!" I screamed, running after him. When I hit the first rooms on the second floor, I looked around for evidence, but Tristan was nowhere in sight. He wasn't even laughing at me, or if he was, I couldn't hear it. Stupid asshole.

Growling and clenching my teeth, I stormed down the hall, hissing profanities under my breath the entire way.

Cam stuck his head out of his room, a pair of headphones dangling from their place around his neck as he stood in his doorway, laughing at me. Scowling at him didn't help. It kind of made him laugh all the harder at me. Fine, he could be that way. I'd just get a new partner in crime.

"Go ahead, laugh. I'll be the one cackling when I replace you," I said, childishly sticking out my tongue and running past the rest of the doors and towards the kitchen where my mom probably was. Great! I'd complain to my mommy and then Tristan was so iiinnn trooouuuuuble!

"You'll never take me alive!" Cam yelled out melodramatically after me. I flipped him off, but I bet he didn't even see me.

"Mommy! Momma! Tristan stole my laptop! Mom?!" I came leaping down the stairs, hopping down three at a time and trying not to trip or stumble or stop at one step for longer than two seconds.

I was right. She was in the kitchen with her phone pressed to the side of her face, a frown on her delicate face. That wasn't a good sign... Mom hardly ever got upset. Not even remotely so, actually. When she did, the best advice I can possibly give to you is to immediately find the closest, most indestructible bomb shelter in the area and do not, under any circumstances, come out until the coast is clear again! My mom was a tough cookie, didn't crack under pressure, super fun and easygoing and she didn't get upset over much.

Her almost scared look instantly had me wary, standing just outside the kitchen doorway.

Jeez Louise, Avery, chill out, my stupid voice choosing now to start up on annoying me again. I internally yelled at it to shut the hell up... Which kind of made me a little insane seeing as how I was technically telling myself to be quiet. Whatever. Now was so not the time. I was on a temporary sugar high which would soon abandon me, and now I was afraid of what my brother would do to my laptop. My poor baby.... So what if I laughed at him and technically was the cause for his purple hair? It was his own fault.

The evil smirk would have made anyone who saw it on my face apprehensive. It wasn't really a big deal, but my laptop was private. Who knew what sort of payback or blackmail he might think up with it?

My mom's face made my evil plans of wreaking havoc and getting revenge slip through my mind. For a while anyway. I listened to her side of the conversation silently and to say that I was curious about what she was talking about and with whom would be the underestimation of the century.

"Yes. Well, we need to discuss this further... It's not my decision to make, and I refuse to make it for their benefit... I'm sorry if that upsets you, but I can honesty say I don't give a rat's ass what they think! I won't make that decision, and you can tell them to leave everything be.... This is their mess to begin with with...! I don't care, but you leave her out of it!" her outburst surprised me, and I couldn't keep my mouth from falling open in shock. My mom was never angry... Now I was getting scared. I pitied whoever had to face her wrath, even if it was just over the phone.

My mom snapped her cell closed and leaned against the counter with a sigh. She looked so small at that moment and it made me mad that someone would upset someone as sweet as my mother. In fear of being snapped at as well, I backed up a few steps and bounced a bit on the balls of my feet.

"Mom? You okay?" I asked hesitantly, praying I would still have my head after this conversation.

She jumped when she heard me. That was strange. Who exactly had she been talking to? Turning to face me, she put on a smile that looked a bit too big to be completely sincere.

"Hey hon. What's wrong? Which brother?" she asked, this time with a knowing glint in her eyes. My mommy knew me oh so well.

I batted my eyes innocently at her and jutted my bottom lip out, pouting. "Tristan took my laptop," I whined.

My mom couldn't keep a straight face. Smiling, she shook her head at me. "Can't help you there sweetie. But I give you permission to get him back. But don't break anything I like!" she exclaimed, fixing me with a finger wag before kicking me out of the kitchen. 

At least now I had permission to kill Tristan. Sort of. He was going down! Grinning, I got back to trying to locate my brother.


"Tristan! You stupid ass! Where are you?! Oh yeah! You better hide. I'm going to MURDER you, chop you into little pieces, and hide your bloody remains in a CLOSET!!!" I screamed and slammed every door I went through or passed, trying to locate Idiot Number One.

Stupid brothers! Why let them even exist?! They had absolutely no purpose in life, other than to make mine an absolute living hell. Well, they were seriously doing a fan-bloody-tastic job of exactly that. It had been more than ten minutes and there was no sign of him whatsoever! Stupid! Couldn't he even be dumb enough to leave a single trail?!

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I threw open the door to our gigantic library, and stopped in my tracks. I didn't expect what I was going to walk into, and I certainly wasn't ready for it....

I didn't expect to come face to face with a gigantic wolf, especially one with such a disturbing amount of human-like expressions on its... face.


Have a good night/morning/afternoon! Byee. And please, any useful criticism is welcomed! I edit these chapters thoroughly for the most part, but if there's something I missed, don't hesitate in pointing it out! :) You can go now! lol

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