Chapter I

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Oh great Zeus, It's monday. Another day of hell, or as other people call it, High school. My door slammed open, making me jump and put my covers over my head.

"Get up, Alex." Deven, one of my best friends spoke.

I removed my covers to see him smiling at me. I sent him back a lazy grin as I got up and headed to my Closet, Deven closed my door letting me have some privacy getting dressed.

I settled with a navy blue hoodie, some black skinny Jeans, and red converse. After brushing my hair and teeth I looked into the mirror. My Dark brown hair was soft while it reached up to my middle back, and my light grey eyes were dull as if I had seen too much.

I opened my door to see my three best friends waiting. Deven and Camilo were on their phones playing Clash of Clans, while Asher was listening to music.

'for once in their life can they NOT be on a phone?' Camlock, my wolf, growled lowly.

'I guess not, But watch this!' I replied to her slyly, My eyes turned dark orange as I used my super speed to grab all their phones and hurry down the steps. I checked my own phone and saw it was 6:10.

'Alex, what the fuck?! I was raiding people!' Deven whispered in the pack link. I shrugged my shoulders and walked into the kitchen where I saw Koh cooking.


"Alex, so great to see you." Koh was our age but she was a maid in this mansion so that meant the tan human didn't need to attend school. Camilo and Deven hurried to the island where our food was set up, I sniffed the air and turned to see Asher staring at the brunette maid.

'Loves in the Air isn't, Kitsuni?' Camlock decided to tease Asher's wolf.

'Shut up, Camlock.'

'It's so easy to tease you.'

I quickly ate my food and thanked Koh, and rose from my seat, Camlock tensed up and whimpered softly, making Deven release a low growl.

"Well, well, well If it isn't the Wimpy Omega." I looked up slightly and saw Brent and the future Alpha of the pack, Skylar.

Let me tell you a little bit about Brent. He's the star quarterback of the school, They're that typical cliche High-school couple, And he's a cheater, so yeah that's Brent for you.

"Hey Alex, come on we're gonna be late!" Camilo spoke picking me up and running out the Mansion. I looked behind to see my other two friends walking with us, but what shocked me to my core was that Skylar was looking at me! Me of all people! Camilo gently put me in the passenger seat while he ran to the drivers side, started his car and drove away. Once Camilo parked his Dodge Challenger, everyone quickly got out.

"Hey, The Alpha is doing another line-up today." Asher spoke while putting her arm around my shoulders. I playfully pushed it off and opened my locker grabbing my history and Science book.

Right as I was turning around, one of the football players slammed me hard into the lockers. I fell down on my butt and looked to see the jock that pushed me bumping his chest with Brent's.

Deven pulled me back up and picked up my scattered books. I saw Asher was slowly walking towards them and Camilo failing to calm her down. My hand quickly grabbed her upper-arm, stopping her. I heard growling and turned to see Skylar staring at Asher with anger in her eyes.

What the hell is wrong with her today?

 I made Asher look me in the eye, she immediately calmed down but her hands were still curled into fists.

"Asher, calm down. They aren't worth getting into trouble." I whispered softly. She grinned down at me, but growled at the popular group.

"Come on Alex, Let's get to homeroom." Deven said bending down a little. I happily jumped on his back while he took me to Camilo and I's homeroom. He and Asher had different homerooms.

I slid off of Deven's back and waved goodbye while I walked into the classroom. Camilo slid in his seat and turned to look at me. I still can't get over how beautiful his eyes are. They were green with golden circles around the pupils. I've always been a sucker for green eyes.

"Still can't get over my eyes huh?" Camilo joked. I knew Camilo and Asher since we were nine, while Deven and I have known each other since we were five. I put my chin on my hand and smiled back at him.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p'. Then I remembered what Asher said before I was pushed into the lockers.

"So the Alpha is doing another line-up?" Camilo groaned and nodded his head.

"Right after school." I groaned knowing what's gonna happen after the line-up. I will forever hate Mondays.


Hi, this Idea was in my mind so yeah here it is.

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