Chapter 1- Congratulations

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Chromia's POV

"Oh my God! Oh my god!" With my sister's dramatic screaming I almost broke my neck as I ran towards the door. I could hear her screams from upstairs and I don't think my sister understood how I felt hearing my siblings scream. I spent eons raising my siblings and within those eons I watched my home planet fall in an energon (blood) filled war.

While I was yet to openly confess it, screams affected me in a horrible fashion as it resurfaced the trauma of a war. I almost died in the midst of that war and even after settling on a new planet I could still hear the cry of the innocent. The sight and smell of raw energon would never leave my mind.

I struggled to breathe as I finally grasped the common sense to find the meaning behind my sister's scream.

"Arcee?!" I yelled as I hurried down the stairs in utmost confusion, a baseball bat in my hand.

"I'm in the main room Mia!" she yelled and I hurried to that direction immediately as I entered the room face first. My weapon was in the air and Arcee stared at me in horror.

"Well scrap, someone came prepared?" She teased me and I lowered my weapon slowly. I was yet to see a rodent which often led us femmes (females) to scream so loudly.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I approached my sister who stared at the item in her hand. She screamed again and I could not help but to wonder if my sister's processor was deteriorating.

"Arcee you are scaring me right now" I told my sister and she chuckled as though she was amused.

"I'm sorry I am just so excited" she told me and I cocked a brow. What was so exciting?

Arcee had been off for two days and decided to spend those two days with me and her nephew. Emanuel was always excited to see his Aunts but he was yet to see Firestar because Star and I hadn't spoken to each other fully after the incident.

By the incident I referred to the day I learned of my sister's affair with the medic. Arcee had no intention of revealing our baby sister's secret but in the anger of Elita's injury it came out in one big rush.

"What is it?!" I asked Arcee as she handed me an envelope. I cocked an optic ridge (brow) as I collected the item.

"Go on, open it" she stated and I eyed the letter in my hand before eyeing my sister. I do hope my sister was not trying to tell me she's pregnant again because at the rate in which she and her lover mated it was highly possible.

Seven sparkling (children) under the autobot insignia was enough.

"Arcee, are you pregnant? Cause I will gladly cut Bee's penis off with a butcher knife" I informed Arcee who choked on nothing. She made a face and my son entered the room with his empty cup in hand.

"Chromia read the damn letter and a butcher knife, really?!" Arcee remarked and I began unfolding the envelope. My son was now behind me whereby he hugged onto the back of my knee.

"Are you finished with your drink baby?" I asked as I glanced at Emanuel and he only smiled at me.

"Yes" he replied and I tried to pluck the truth from his expression. Children never truly enjoyed that which was beneficial so I knew I had to search high and low for the answer to that question. He was not fond of fruit smoothies and I was aware that being a Mother was the hardest task in the world.

My fingers moved over the envelope in my hand while my sister stared at me.

Captain Stuart

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