Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I knock on the familiar brown, tattered door and wait. I hear muttering and footsteps from behind it. Jacob answers. He gives me a confused look.

"Hey, mate. What you doing here?" He asks, changing the confused look to a friendly one.

"What do you think?" I ask "I need something, anything." He turns around and heads to a room, I climb up some steps and follow him in. He passes me a bag containing white powder. I snort it with a rolled up note as fast as I can and relax

"So..." Jacob begins. "What's wrong?" He presses. I look at him.

"I have a dad." I manage to stutter. It felt weird to say. I have a dad.

"Woah." He says slightly surprised.

"Does Hayley know?" He asks. Shit. No. Not yet. I ignore Jacob and take out my phone, I dial Hayley's number and put the phone up to my ear. She takes a while to answer.

"Hello?" Her voice instantly brightens mood.

"Hey, Babe. Can I come over?" I try not to sound worried or panicked.

"Yeah, of course. Is everything okay?"

She asks. I try to think of something.

"Yeah, just miss you. Haha." I hang up and climb to my feet. Jacob catches on and stands up too

"Thanks for the coke, Mate." I look towards him and we exchange a bro hug.

"Anytime, Man." I give him a smile of gratitude. I turn towards the door and make my way out. I get on to the pathway and run. I run to Hayley's and I speed up when I see her house in the distance. I knock on the immaculate red door and wait. A tall, middle-aged, brunette woman answers the door. I smile.

"Michael, it's been a while." She flashes a quick, small smile.

"Mrs Cooper." I reply, before I can say anymore, Hayley rushes through from a room and pushes past her mother.

"Michael!" She squeals. I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tight. Hayley turns to her mother.

"We'll be in my room." She says and leads me upstairs, I flash a quick smile at Mrs Cooper and follow Hayley up the stairs in to her room. I check the time. 17:32. I realise I haven't eaten all day and as if on cue, I growling sounds rips through my stomach. I somehow feel satisfied by the hunger pains. I turn to look at Hayley. She goes to speak

"I have a dad." I say before she gets a chance. She runs towards me and wraps me in a hug.

"Michael, oh my god. What are you gonna do?" Why doesn't everyone keeps asking me that.

"I want to see him. But Katherine says he's have to know everything. Look at my file." I try to show no emotion.

"Michael, he's not going to think any less of you. You're his son. It's normal to worry, given the circumstances. It will not put him off." Another pain rips through my stomach. I break away from Hayley and make my way to her bathroom. I look in the mirror and splash my face with cold water. I search for a towel and dab my face dry. Something catches my eye. A set of scales, I pull them out and take all my clothes off. I stand on them and wait for the numbers to adjust. 136 pounds. Is that healthy? I don't know. I put everything back and got dressed. I emerge from the bathroom feeling somewhat calmer and look at Hayley. She smiles, I smile. I know what's next. I take off my shirt and walk over to her, peeling off her top and un clipping her bra. We rotate, she's now on top of me, naked and trying to get my trousers and boxers off...

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