Chapter 60 The Confrontation

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Aphmau's eyebrows knitted together as she looked me in the eye.

"Katelyn, are you crying?!"

"What? No, no," I faked laughter and scratched the top of my head. "It's windy out, guess it made my eyes even more watered than I thought." I lied through my teeth, focusing more on the chaos of the room around me than anything else going on in my head.

"Oh okay, did you find Travis?"

The name alone struck a chord within me, and I forced my breathing to slow.

"Uh, yeah, I did..." I looked around the room and caught sight of the alcohol. "I feel kind of sick, I'm gonna head home." Aphmau nodded and grinned, hugging me quickly before I pushed my way through the crowd, making it outside. I eyed the pot-heads on the porch and briefly considered joining them, but shut the thought down almost as soon as it appeared. I walked home, the sky not yet dark, and walked into my house to the my room. I let out a slow breath and plopped onto bed, shutting my systems off and going to sleep.

Not how the last day of school should have gone.

I woke up the next day and got ready, making sure I was presentable. I took one last breath and headed out the door.

Travis and I weren't gonna end, not like this.

I checked his dorm, but most of the students were moved out, and the others who were left said Travis was already gone. So I went to the next place I knew to look. His house.

I marched and got to the front door, knocking firmly on the front door. Travis opened the door, his eyes tired and weary.

"We need to talk," I growled, pushing past him and entering the house without being invited.

He looked away from me, glaring at the floor. "Gene told me everything..."

I felt my heart stop, the blood that ran through me turned cold and suddenly my fingers and toes were numb. I felt a pounding in my head, and my stomach churned so much it felt like I would hurl. He started walking away and I followed him into the living room. He didn't face me.

"What do you mean...?" I whispered, afraid of what would come out of his mouth next. Afraid that he had found out about the facility.

"How you've been lying to me." He turned around, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms. "How you found out about how rich I was going to be so you started to go for me. He never cheated on you, it was all an act. You never loved me." I blinked a little in surprise, so many emotions and things running through my head. Relief, confusion, pain, shock.

"And you believed him?" I asked, hurt laced in my voice.

"It makes sense, okay? How you suddenly started flirting and having those emotions? It answered a lot of questions that I had about you. I would pass them off as nothing, but it all makes sense now. And do you realise how shitty that makes me feel?" He pushed off the wall and paced the room, running his hands over his face and through his hair. "I opened up to you, I told you things I never told anyone, I had feelings that I was terrified of feeling again. I didn't want to love you, I didn't want to care for another girl, because the first and last one that loved me did the same thing you did. Only dated me because of the fortune I was going to come into."

"Travis....he lied to you, I would never-"

"You lied to me, Katelyn. You told me you cared about me, how fucking dare you play me like that?!" He shouted, stopping in his tracks to look at me. Tears built in his eyes and I found myself fighting against a lump that was forming in my own throat.

"Everything I said to you was true." A lie. "Travis, I had no clue about you." A lie. "Or your fortune, until you showed it to me." A lie. "I lo- care about you a lot."

"Bullshit, don't you dare fucking tell me that again. You broke up with Gene to be with me, you played me like a fool, and I must be an idiot, because I fell for it." He laughed dryly, unamused and hurt. I bit the inside of my cheek, I refused to cry.

"No, I didn't. I didn't lie to you. Everything I said, I felt, was true, I do care about you. I opened up to you, I let you see sides of me that no one else was allowed to see, I let you in. And here you are shouting at me because my abusive ex told you a lie, and you believed it. You think I'm that shallow? If I was trying to be with you so badly, I wouldn't have gotten into arguments with you, I wouldn't have let you see anything but the good, but I let you see the ugly sides of me!" He refused to look at me.

He stared at the floor, narrowing his eyes and glaring. His fists were clenched tightly at his sides, his knuckles going white. There were tremors running through his body, and he looked about ready to scream.

Slowly, he looked up at me our gaze meeting, his eyes burning. "We're done, Katelyn. You lied, you messed up." It was getting hard to breathe, and I took shallow breaths, trying to calm myself down.

"How could you believe him over me?"

"Get out."

"Fine, fuck you."

I turned around sharply, hurrying out the door and slamming it shut behind me. I hurried out of the stupid house, and I didn't let any tears fall. I refused for him to see me in any pain, he wasn't going to get the satisfaction.

I got home, and rushed into the front door, closing it behind me. I leaned against it, and when the first tear fell, it was the opening of the floodgates. I sobbed and slid to the floor, clutching myself painfully as my chest rattled in time with my weeps. Garroth heard and ran towards me, sitting on the floor in front of me and wrapping his arms around me. I clutched the back of his shirt, sobbing into his chest as he shushed me and stroked my back.

A/N AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I WAS PRODUCTIVE!!!! Guess who isn't the worst anymore!! Not me, still the worst. Love you all.

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