Chapter 27: Liars & Theives

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Chase woke up laying next to his daddy. He didn't see his Bey Bey so he got up to look for her. He left the room and first went towards Mya's room. He opened the door and looked but she was asleep. He closed the door and went to Alexis's room and she was awake watching TV.

"Where's Bey Bey?" Chase asked and Alexis looked over at him.

"Probably downstairs in the kitchen." She said.

Chase left her room and went downstairs. He went towards the kitchen and there she was on the phone standing by the stove when he walked in.

He walked closer to her and hugged her legs. Beyoncé being surprised looked down.

"Hi Bey Bey." Chase looked at her smiling.

"Hi boo, did you sleep good?" She asked smiling and he nodded against her thigh. "You hungry?"


"Is anyone else up?" She asked since it was eight in the morning on a Saturday.

"Alexis." He said.

"Go get her and come back down to eat." She said.

"Okay." he said before taking off back upstairs to get Alexis.

"Did you brush your teeth yet?" Alexis asked and Chase shook his head no. "Come on."

They went in the hall bathroom where Chase stood on the stool and they brushed their teeth.

"Let me see." She said when he finished.

Chase cheesed. Alexis noticed one of his teeth and she touched it. It was loose.

"Your tooth is loose." She said.

"It is?" He asked confused.

"Uh huh, look." She said.

They looked in the mirror and she told him which one and he started moving it. It wasn't ready to come out but soon.

"What happens when it comes out?" He asked.

"A new tooth grows in its place."

"What if that one gets loose?" He asked.

"It shouldn't but if it does another one won't grow back." She said and he nodded.

He got off the stool and then they went downstairs to eat breakfast. They sat down and Beyoncé passed them their plates.

"Thanks Ma."

"Thanks Bey Bey."

"You're welcome." She said before ending her phone call and making herself a plate.

She sat down to enjoy her breakfast.

"Ma, can you give me two French braids before my game today?" Alexis asked.

"Yes, I'll do it before we leave." She said and Alexis nodded.

"Bey Bey, my tooth is loose. Lexis said it'll come out and another one will grow in." He said.

"It will." She said. "You're gonna start loosing your baby teeth."

"Sounds weird to me." He said.

"They tooth fairy will come and give you money when your tooth comes out." Alexis said.

"Tooth fairy. They come and take my teeth?" He asked.

"Yep, when it comes out you put it under your pillow and then you wake up with money." Alexis said.

"Hmm, I think I like this losing teeth thing now." He said and Beyoncé started laughing.

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