Not in this lifetime (Duff/Slash)

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Some of this is based off of what happened at the concert, there was a lot of Sluff moments squeeeee!!

Also Duff was wearing that exact same shirt he's wearing on that pic ^^^

I'll talk about the concert at the end, for now, enjoy my babies.



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September 3rd, 2017 Not In This Lifetime Tour George, WA Gorge Amphitheater 

Duff grinned, jittery and antsy as he waited with the rest of the boys behind the stage nervously. He didn't know why he was so nervous, this was Washington! His home state! But something kept nagging at him.

Slash smiled at Duff, slapping him on the back. 

"Why so nervous?" Slash tilted his head and hid a concerned look in his eyes behind his shades and waves of curly hair. 

"I... I'm not sure?" Duff shook his head. "It's just... So surreal, you know?" 

Slash nodded, gripping the tall man into a tight hug.

"I feel ya, man. Don't worry, you'll do great!" The guitarist smiled and slung a arm around Duff's shoulder as the lights dimmed around the giant stage and the crowd went crazy. "Let's fucking ROCK!" 

Duff nodded, grabbing his signature white bass and took a deep breath, walking out with the rest of the band members onto the stage.

The bass player's eyes widened when he looked out into the crowd. He knew there would be a lot of people, but this was fucking crazy and the crowd was so riled up. The air smelled of sweat and weed and people were staring at them with desperate eyes. It was terrifying, but their energy fed into him as he thumped his bass.

They played a couple songs, all of it a blur as Duff's fingers skidded across the bass strings and his sore fingers pressed down hard, sweat dripping off his face. He turned to Axl who grinned, wiping his shaggy hair out of his face. 

Slash played the intro to Welcome to the Jungle and the sound of the guitar shot shocks of adrenaline into Duff's veins, spiking him with a energy so crazy he ran up to Slash, plucking his bass.

The two old friends glared at each other in mock cockiness, heart's beating and so out of breath, Duff could hear Slash gasping for air.

"YOU KNOW WHERE THE FUCK YOU ARE?!" Axl screamed into the microphone, raising his arms out like the Lord's crucifixion, closing his eyes and letting the crowd's screams cradle his mind. "You're in The Gorge, baby."

With a wink, Axl giggled and skipped across the stage, thrilled and energized as he started to sing the classic GNR song with such a passion, Duff had to pause ad stare at him in amazement.

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