I'm his 'boyfriend' (Izzy/Duff)

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How about we have an AU where Izzy is vv uncomfortable with the lady that is flirting with him and Duff sees and is like 'hey idk who this dude is but he looks uncomfortable lemme pretend to be his boyfriend to get him out of this situation' TA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAA



It was a normal afternoon so Duff did his daily routine. He got up at 8, worked until 12, then had a lunch break and headed to Cool Cat Cafe, then went back to work until 5, then went home to sleep. But something interesting made his daily routine not so boring.

The clock finally struck 12 as a signal for lunch, and just like that, the whole boring office came to life.

"Off to the CCC again, Michael?" His office buddy Saul asked while grabbing his lunch from under his desk. 

"Yup! Like always," Duff smiled, pulling on his jacket that was draped over his work chair, "See you in a bit, Saul!"

"Later, McKagan!"

Duff waved a farewell, then walked out of the office building, heading the familiar way to the Cool Cat Cafe. He whistled a tune, having a good feeling about today. 

When he walked into the cafe with a jingle of the doorbell, he was greeted with the smell of freshly baked sandwiches and soups. 

"Why, hello William." Duff greeted the friendly redheaded cashier. "How are you?"

"Just dandy." The rock n roll looking worker grunted sarcastically. 

"What's wrong?"

"For the last 15 minutes I've had to listen to dipshit Caylee over there," He threw a glance to the annoying lady neither of the boys liked, "Flirt her fat lil ass off to that poor guy."

Duff followed the loud and obnoxious voice to see Caylee leaning over the counter, flirting away with a rather attractive young man. The man had long black hair and gorgeous eyes. He plastered on a fake smile, obviously uncomfortable, cringing when Caylee smooshed her breasts on the counter, trying to show off.

"Wish I could help the poor guy, never seen him around before." William sighed, playing with his long locks of strawberry blonde hair. "Anyways, you having the usual today?"

Duff looked back at the cashier, trying to hide his blush from staring at the cute guy.

"O-oh, yeah, thank you, Will." Duff smiled, then sat at his table for 2 in the far left corner next to the windows, not taking his eyes off of the black haired man.

Suddenly, a bright idea popped up along with a burst of confidence. Duff stood up from his spot and strutted up to Caylee and Long Haired Dude. 

"Good evening, Caylee." Duff said politely, leaning against the counter. She gave him a sour look, angered at the fact he barged into her flirtatious conversation. The man shyly looked at Duff and gave him a small smile.

"Oh. Duff. Whatcha doing here?" Caylee huffed, frowning at the blonde haired man.

"Why, I was just checking on my boyfriend over here." Duff emphasized 'boyfriend' to up the chances of this guy catching on. 

The black haired man gave Duff a confused look, then his eyes widened as he understood what was happening. 

"Y-yeah, Duff's my boyfriend." The shorter man blushed and played with his long hair, biting his lip.

"Oh, I didn't know you have a boyfriend, Duff." Caylee scowled and snarled like a dog, very pissed off.

"Yes I do, didn't William tell you?" Duff cocked his head to the side in mock confusion, slinging his arm around the stranger to add to the effect that they were 'dating'.

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