Shy Boy(Axl/Izzy)SMUT

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Hahahahahahah wow.

IM BACK! Couldn't leave you guys. Just know I won't be updating A LOT! Because I still needa focus on school, so please be patient with me. Also I'm taking a break on So, Ya Like Coffee? because I totally ran out of ideas. Anyways, I'm back in black, bitches.

My friend showed me 3OH!3 and I'm dying because I feel like I should've known who they were but I DONT and they aren't bad. It's like, I could strip to their songs tbh and all I imagine is really cocky bitchy Axl so here we go.



Axl fucking Rose. What a fucking fuckboy. Izzy thought angrily as he stared at the popular boy across the room, flirting with all the girls and boys. I fucking hate him so much, I wish I could fuck his brains out.

Izzy sighed, growling and finishing the rest of his AP homework in Science because he finished early. 

Axl Rose was a fuckboy, a pussy destroyer, cock sucking master, whatever you wanted to call him. He was pretty much sex as a person. God, his face was smooth and his lips were always flushed as if he had a heated make out a couple minutes ago (he probably did). He always wore a tank top that showed his toned skin and glinting nipple piercing. Tight jeans always fitted his thick ass nicely, making Izzy's jaw drop every time. He was fucking perfection. And Izzy fucking hated him.

"Hey, pretty boy." Someone snickered at Izzy, snapping the skinny boy out of his thoughts. Speak of the fucking devil. Axl Rose stood in front of him, grinning down with a sexual glint in his eyes. 

"What do you want?" Izzy huffed, trying hard not to look at the obvious bulge he always showed off in his pants. "I'm trying to do homework."

"Psh, you do your homework?" Axl laughed, leaning against the tall, black desk, tracing something someone carved on the cheap wood counters. "You're a sassy one for such a nerd."

"Nerd? Really?" The black haired boy scuffed, offended and flinched a little, glaring at his stupid face that was very very hot. "Just, get the fuck away, okay? Why are you even talking to me? I doubt you even know my name."

"It's Jerry, right?" 

"Jeff. And I go by Izzy." He said flatly, looking back at the homework and chewing the tip of his pencil, stuck on a problem. 

"And I'm talking to you because I see the way you look at me." Axl leaned forward, lips brushing Izzy's ear and sending chills down the boys spine as he breathed hot plumes on the flushed skin. "The way you stare at me across the room. You're so shy... So innocent..."

His hand sneaked downward and gripped Izzy's thigh, making the boy jump in the plastic seat. Long fingers skimmed the inside of Izzy's legs, oh so very close to his burning crotch. He hummed against Iz, opening his mouth and licking the shell of his ear, tongue pressing against the nervous boys soft skin.

"Mmm... So cute and innocent." Axl muttered, grabbing Izzy's hips and forcing him to stand up, pressing his hardened cock against the small boy's pants. "Kinda wanna bend you over the table and-"

"STRADLIN AND ROSE!" The teacher, Mr. Sixx, shouted, drawing all the attention on the two heated boys. Izzy's face turned red and he backed away from Axl, sitting down at his seat and hiding being his mass of hair. "Get the hell back to your seat, Mr. Rose!"

Before Axl walked away, he slipped a paper into Izzy's pale hands, then walked back to his seat, big black boots clomping on the tile floor.

Izzy studied the paper in his hands, opening it curiously once everyone lost interest in their little session. 

Guns N Roses One-Shots (vv gay)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن