This I love (Duff/Slash)

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Well fuck.



I can't fucking believe it. Thought Slash. I can't believe I even have feelings for this dude.

AxlRose69: Yo Slash you still there?

RoughDuff: Yeah you've been reading the messages but not responding, everything okay?

Slash sighed, shaking his head and typing fast. His stomach was hurting.

SlasherSux: Yeah I'm fine, just thinkin

RoughDuff: About what?

SlasherSux: Nothin, it's stupid.

XxIzzycumsxX: Nahh dude tell us

SlasherSux: I can't.

RoughDuff: Why not?

SlasherSux: Because.


AxlRose69: Steven shut up something's wrong with Slash

Popcorn27: Well fuck me in the ass

AxlRose69: Maybe later ;;)))

XxIzzycumsxX: Damn you all


SlasherSux: No.

XxIzzycumsxX: Hey that's my line

Popcorn27: Shut up jeff

XxIzzycumsxX: You shut up fuckface

RoughDuff: Slash tell us im worried

SlasherSux: No.

SlasherSux: I gotta go.

SlasherSux: Bye.

RoughDuff: What? No!! Baby, come on!

Slash closed his laptop, tossing it to the side and groaned, throwing his head back and bouncing slightly on his bed. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, biting his lip and trying not to cry.

Slash had a crush on Duff. That wasn't the problem, everyone knew Slash was as straight as a circle. They also probably caught onto their little love act. The problem was, Slash had never met Duff. He hasn't met any of the guys in the chat, they all had met online.

They weren't even dating, Slash couldn't do that. He can't have a long distance relationship, he couldn't do that to himself or Duff. They acted like it though, fucking around and calling each other 'babe'.

And he couldn't take this. He couldn't bear being away from Duff, never ever getting the chance to meet in real life. And it really fucking sucked. Everything sucked. He wanted everything to stop.

"Why the fuck do I fall for people so easily." Slash whined to himself, letting out a choked sob in the night. He wiped his face, turning on the radio. Who's crying now by Journey came on, what a fucking coincidence. "Fuck me."

"Love fucking sucks." Slash cried to himself, the tears streaming down his face. "I hate this."

All of a sudden, his phone started ringing in the dead of night, his screen lighting up the room and vibrating on the night stand. It was Duff. With shaking hands, he grabbed the phone and clicked answer.

Guns N Roses One-Shots (vv gay)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon