Electric Feel (Slash/Axl) SMUT

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FOR THE AMAZING @Nel_Rose !!!!!! Sorry it took so long!

They requested Slaxl where they are drunk/high and kiss for the first time, then some smut! Also, they living in Slash's grandma's house so they better be quiet;) 




"Y-You know what I'm saying, yeah?" Axl slurred, laying on the old fashioned bed upstairs in the small attic him and Slash were living in for now. They were off tour and needed a place to stay. Grandma Hudson, being the sweetheart she was, let them stay. And they were high as fuck.

"Yeah... Yeah I understand." Slash giggled, waving his joint around in the air with his hand movements, reaching up and putting his arm around Axl in a lazy manor.

"W-What were-was, I saying?" Axl looked over at Slash who was awfully close even with the amount of space on the king sized bed.

"I, um, I dunno. You-you got pretty eyes." Slash stared at his friends greeneyes, tinted with red from the joint they were sharing. 

"Thanks, Slasher. Y-You got a pretty faceeeee." Axl was laughing, dragging his words and leaning close to Slash's face, breathing in the smoke Slash blew out. "I want someee."

Slash took a long drag of the joint, sucking it in and leaning over, brushing his lips against Axl's. Axl froze, despite being intoxicated, then opened his mouth to second hand smoke from Slash. The curly haired man huffed into Axl's mouth, breathing out all the excess smoke into his best friends lungs.

"More." Axl begged, scooting closer and breathing in Slash. They were practically kissing as Axl searched Slash's mouth for smoke. He climbed on his bandmates lap, straddling him and laying his hands on the muscular chest.

Slash grabbed Axl's face and pulling it towards him, stopping when their noses were brushing.



"I wanna-wanna, uh, kiss y-you." Axl blush, sputtering out his confession to his best friend for years. "Is that... Is that bad?"

"No." Slash whispered, staring at Axl's green pools, inching ever so closer. "Because... I think I wanna k-kiss you, too."


Slash pulled Axl forward, crashing their lips together at last for a full on kiss. Axl melted, head spinning and dick hardening. He leaned into Slash, pressing his clothed body against the other man.

Slash grabbed Axl's slim waist, grinding him down onto his crotch, searching for friction as he sucked on the singers bottom lip.

Axl moaned, sliding smooth fingers up Slash's bronze arms, grunting and kissing him harder. Slash pulled back to catch his breath and smiled.

"Better be quiet, baby. Don't want G to h-hear us, do ya?" Slash was smirking, grabbing the joint he left on the nightstand and taking a long drag.

"Slasher, I want you to-I want you to-" Axl stumbled, not finding quite the right words.

"Want me to what, babe?"

"Want you to-to fuck me." Axl gasped out, looking down at Slash's chest and tracing innocent shapes on his pectoral muscle right where his heart was.

"Want my c-cock in your ass?" Slash hiccuped, gripping onto Axl harder.

(A/N Electric Feel just came on my MGMT bless bless BLESSSS)

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