7 Minutes in Heaven (Steven/Duff)

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Also, mild smut? Not with Steven and Duff, you'll see. 



"What. The. FUCKKKKKK." 

Duff flopped on the hotel bed, absolutely done with everything.

"I'm so fuckin bored and I wanna jump out this window." 

It was hot and the boys of Guns N Roses were dying of heat exhaustion even though it was 12 at night. None of them could sleep and there were girls in their room, but none of them could figure out what to do.

"GOD, why isn't there more fans or air conditioning in this stupid room?" Steven whined. He was laying on the bed Duff just flopped on, now running his hands through his friends tangled hair trying to make it look decent and not like a rats nest.

Duff closed his eyes, a smile playing on his lips as he enjoyed the gentleness of Stevens fingers.

"I GOT IT!!" Izzy shouted, startling one of the girls sucking his face and causing Slash to have a mini heart attack. Slash, Izzy and a couple blondes were sprawled out on the other bed next to the one Duff and Steven were occupying. Axl was at the foot of Izzy and Slash's bed, shirtless and sweaty (and hot😏), running his hands up some girls shirt.

"What brilliant idea do you have, shithead?" Axl grumbled, rolling his eyes. Izzy scowled.

"7 minutes in heaven."

"What are we, 5th grade girls?"

Steven snickered at Axl's comment, shifting as Duff laid his head on the drummers lap, eyes closed as Steven continued stroking his hair.

"What? Just a thought." Izzy grunted, pulling the girl closer and kissing her sloppily on the lips. 

"I think it's a great idea, darling." The girl purred, turning to Axl and winking. 

Because Axl thought the girl was hot, he sighed a 'okay'. Izzy grinned and hopped off the bed and grabbed a half empty vodka bottle.

Duff grinned, sitting up and leaning on Steven.

"That's where my vodka was!" 

Steven laughed as Duff leaped up and snatched the bottle from Izzy who shook his head and sat on the floor, motioning for the others to follow.

"Think you can drink the rest so we can use the empty bottle?" Ax asked, grabbing one of the girls and setting her on his lap, she squealed and kissed him.

"Is that even a question?" Duff smirked, popping open the bottle and tipping the glass up to his lips, feeling the liquid slosh down his throat.

"Chug, chug!" Steven and Slash cheered as Duff swallowed his last gulp, slamming the bottle on the ground (thankfully it didn't break) and plopped down next to Steven with a cheesy and triumphant grin on his face.

"Nice job." Steven chuckled, patting the man on the back. 

All the guys had girls in their laps beside Duff and Steven, so the bass player huffed and lifted the smaller blonde man on his lap, causing Steven so squeak in surprise.

"There, now we aren't lonely." Duff whispered in Steven's ear, causing his hair to stand on end as he leaned his head back, letting Duff's lips brush his neck. They were both in their little world until Slash coughed.

Steven lifted his head up, shrugging his shoulders and trying to make himself small, shuffling nervously in Duff's lap. A deep blush crept along his face.

Guns N Roses One-Shots (vv gay)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora